Friday, November 18, 2016

Censorship Draws Ire From Hollywood Star

Conservative actor James Woods quits Twitter over ‘censorship’


Conservative actor James Woods quits Twitter over ‘censorship’
Actor James Woods arrives for the Los Angeles premiere of "Bleed for This" in Beverly Hills on Nov. 2. (Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images)


Conservative and, at times, controversial actor-turned-political commentator James Woods is calling it quits on Twitter, citing frustrations over the social media platform’s decision to crack down on so-called alt-right accounts that rose to prominence during the course of the 2016 presidential campaign.
Throughout the political season, the Hollywood celebrity has been a stalwart supporter of President-elect Donald Trump.

Since @Twitter is now in the  business, I will no longer use its service for my constitutional right to free speech. 

Of course, free speech laws do not apply to private corporations like Twitter.
And this isn’t Woods’ first battle in the world of tweets: He filed a $10 million lawsuit over the summer against an anonymous Twitter user who accused Woods of being a “cocaine addict.”
In any event, the actor’s decision to end his relationship with Twitter, where he has nearly 500,000 followers, comes after a USA Today report that the micro-blogging site has suspended several alt-right accounts, which are almost entirely dedicated to supporting Trump.
“Twitter has now sadly abdicated its position as a sole beacon of free speech,” Woods wrote in his account bio. “Voltaire’s famous dictum has been quietly buried by these left wing savages.”
While the veteran actor has not deleted his account, he has not tweeted since posting the memo late Thursday night.

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