Friday, November 18, 2016

The Lame Stream Media Is NOT Used To Republicans Correcting Their Stories. This Is Going To Be A Wonderful Four Years!

New York Times Launches Attack On Trump Transition… Trump STRIKES Right Back

Proving why Americans distrust the media ...

They’ve gone from lapdogs to ankle biters.
Leading American news outlets that spent eight years disgracing themselves and pimping their profession to protect and promote President Barack Obama are now in a starkly different mode. They’re attacking every bend and turn in President-elect Donald Trump’s transition process with the fevered intensity reserved only for Republican elected officials in American politics.
But the incoming administration is fighting back.

In a media narrative that shouts of turmoil, chaos and disarray at Trump Tower, the latest salvo was fired by The New York Times, naturally. The house organ of the Democrat Party, you’ll recall, brazenly discarded its own journalistic credibility with an August front-page column that declared war on the Trump campaign.
And that war has only intensified as the transition teams goes about its complex business.
In a ludicrously fevered front-page story on Wednesday, the so-called “newspaper of record” declared “Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in State of Disarray,” with a summary headline accusing the Trump operation of ignoring diplomatic protocols in its early engagements with foreign leaders.

The Times was apparently horrified to note that some foreign leaders weren’t getting through to the president-elect as soon as they picked up the phone.
This is all big stuff to a propaganda sheet like The Times, which ferrets out Republican critics of the new administration to give its ferocity a “balanced” sheen, but most normal Americans – including Americans who didn’t support Trump – understand a government transition is a complicated process.
The Trump team is literally seven days into it right now, with two months before Inauguration Day.
While America was treated to endless stories eight years ago about how Barack “the seas stopped rising” Obama was changing water into wine from his Chicago home, the storyline for a media still smarting over its Election Day defeat at the hands of the American people is of an incoming administration’s gang of stumblebums that can’t shoot straight.

But the man at the top of that team, President-elect Trump, was having none of it.
In a series of Twitter postings Wednesday morning, he called the story of confusion and chaos groundless.
Someone really needs to convince the president-elect that dignifying this kind of garbage with a response is a waste of time, but that last one really hit it on the head.
The Times – and virtually every other American news outlet besides Fox News – has a vested interest in portraying every stumble in the transition process as a sure sign of doom for the incoming administration.
In its breathless coverage of the goings on high atop Trump Tower, ABC’s “Good Morning America” — with Clinton suck-up George Stephanopoulos in the anchor chair — featured a lingering on-screen graphic that read: “Can the president-elect turn things around?” As though the ship that hadn’t even set sail were already sinking.
After selling their journalistic souls to try to get arguably the most corrupt candidate in American history elected to the presidency in the person of Hillary Clinton, the Manhattan mandarins have to sell Trump to their remaining readers as the disaster they’ve always predicted.
Their problem is, they’re going to be proven wrong now, just as they were even in the moments leading up to their Election Day debacle.
The American government wasn’t set up for Donald Trump any more than it was set up for Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton or any other chief executive, regardless of party.
It was designed and has functioned for more than 200 years – through Civil War and World War – to provide a framework for a free people to live in self-government.
As former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told The Times for its hyperventilating story, what’s happening now is “completely normal.”
“It happened in the Reagan transition,” said Giuliani, a potential secretary of state in the Trump administration. “Clinton had delays in hiring people.”
Here’s a prediction – and this is the point: No matter what “Discord” and “Disarray” is reported by The Times and its ilk, the incoming administration will have every key staff job filled and every cabinet post accounted for by the time Chief Justice John Roberts administers the oath of office to Donald J. Trump on Jan. 20. Even those impatient foreign officials the The New York Times is so worried about will have settled down and accepted that there’s a new president of the United States.
It’s happened before. It will happen this time, because no matter how hard Obama, the loathsome Harry Reid, the Democrat Party, The New York Times, ABC News and others tried, they didn’t reduce this country to the socialist banana republic of their dreams. Hillary Clinton was supposed to finish that job, but Donald Trump and a disgusted American electorate put a stop to that.
And all the yippy ankle biters in the mainstream media aren’t going to change that now.

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