Sunday, November 13, 2016

G-d Forbid!

gReport: New York Dems Prepping Chelsea Clinton For Congressional Run

Photo of Kerry Picket

7:02 AM 11/11/2016
Chelsea Clinton delivers a speech during the annual Clinton Global Initiative on September 21, 2016 in New York City. Former President Bill Clinton defended the foundation, founded in 2005, at the final CGI meeting. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)
Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton is being prepped to run for Congress, The New York Postreported Thursday night, when Rep. Nita Lowey’s seat becomes vacant.
A source told the Post, “There has been a lot of speculation within New York Democratic circles about Lowey’s retirement and Chelsea running for the seat. There is a belief that Chappaqua is a logical place for Chelsea to run, because it would be straightforward for her to raise money and build a powerful base.”
Lowey, who has served in the House since 1988 and is 79 years old, represents Rockland and Westchester counties, which includes Chappaqua, where Bill and Hillary Clinton currently reside.
Although Chelsea, her husband Marc Mezvinsky, and their two children Charlotte and Aidan live in Manhattan, last August, Clinton’s parents bought a residence next to their own Chappaqua home for $1.16 million, which according to The Post, is for Chelsea and her family.

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