Sunday, November 13, 2016

Riots Are An Immature, Irresponsible And Un-American Reaction To Fair Elections

PHOTOS: Dems Deal With Trump Victory Only Way They Know How… by Setting Fires


President-elect Donald Trump had refused during the general election to comment on whether he would be willing to concede the race to Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, causing many Democrats to worry about civil unrest.
Well, the sun rose on a very changed America on Wednesday. Trump handily won the presidency, and now it appears that some Democrats were the ones who were causing civil unrest because they weren’t happy that Trump won, the Los Angeles Times reported.
After Trump was declared the winner, protests broke out in California, and naturally they turned violent. Cars were set on fire, rocks were thrown and people otherwise acted like a bunch of animals.

Stores were also vandalized, people were hurt and crowds chanted that Trump wasn’t their president. Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media have barely mentioned these protests although, granted, they did involve only a very small minority of Democrats.

Hundreds – maybe thousands – gathered in front of the Janss Investment Company Building.   

Now, if it were a group of Republicans protesting a President-elect Hillary Clinton (we’re confident you’ll never have to see that phrase again), we would never hear the end of it, no matter how small the contingent was.
What did you think of these protests?

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