Sunday, November 27, 2016

Monica Crowley Would Be A Good Press Secretary And Less Controversial Than Laura Ingraham

Report: Popular Fox News Analyst Being Considered By Trump For Press Secretary

... supported Trump early on ...


President-elect Donald Trump is weighing the option of having Fox News analyst Monica Crowley as his press secretary, according to a report from Politico.
Crowley supported Trump early on, and warned others not to underestimate him after he announced his bid for the presidency back in June 2015.
She serves as regular columnist for the Washington Times.

In a column on Nov. 16, Crowley argued against the popular notion that Trump was a “black swan” event (an extremely rare occurrence that generates significant changes in the existing order).
Crowley wrote it was the election of President Obama that was the real black swan event; Trump becoming president-elect was merely the natural order correcting itself and returning the country to normalcy.
“It turns out that Mr. Trump is the rule, while Mr. Obama was the anomalous exception,” she wrote.

Crowley has referred to Obama as a “radical redistributionist” and has been highly critical of his legacy the past eight years.
“Shortly after he was elected,” Crowley wrote, “Mr. Obama and his supporters in the political class told us that he had redrawn the political map by creating a new, long-term Democrat majority. Instead, by ramming through his leftist agenda, he decimated his party and created the conditions for its complete reversal.”
During the election season, Crowley lavished praise on Trump and his ability to appeal to the minds and hearts of American voters. She referred to the then-Republican nominee as an “intangible but incredibly powerful weapon.”
Crowley was also strongly against Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and feared the country might not be able to recover from another Democratic presidency.

“All of the fundamental institutions of our system have been warped beyond all recognition. And all are engaged in social engineering in every part of American life,” Crowley wrote in early November. “Hillary Clinton is running as a status quo elite globalist (perhaps the only thing authentic about her candidacy) — at a time when those things are being roundly rejected by voters across the Western world. She is also a walking example of the kind of elemental corruption the Founders hoped we would purge from government.”
While definitely pleased that Trump was elected, Crowley will face some competition for the role of press secretary. Conservative media figure Laura Ingraham reportedly is another contender for the job.
Trump received plenty of help from Ingraham throughout this year’s election. She occasionally offered him strategic advice and would campaign on his behalf. She confirmed on Fox News Sunday that she was being considered for the position.
“It’s a big decision, but I’m at the point where, if my country needs me, and if I can do something to actually, you know, advance the Trump agenda, which is stuff I have written about now for 15 years, with trade, immigration and just renewing America, then I obviously have to seriously consider that,” she told Fox’s Tucker Carlson.
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