Sunday, November 27, 2016

There Is More To The Recount Than Meets The Eye. Expect Another Shoe To Drop

Clinton Campaign Will Join in Recount Effort Despite Finding No Voter Fraud

"We deserve elections we can trust."


Marc Elias, the campaign’s general counsel, indicated Saturday that the campaign would do the same in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
“This election cycle was unique in the degree of foreign interference witnessed throughout the campaign: the U.S. government concluded that Russian state actors were behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee and the personal email accounts of Hillary for America campaign officials, and just yesterday, the Washington Post reported that the Russian government was behind much of the ‘fake news’ propaganda that circulated online in the closing weeks of the election,” he wrote in a post on Medium.

Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager for President-elect Donald Trump, noted that the recount represents a role reversal for the Clinton camp.

Green Party candidate Jill Stein has already filed the paperwork to initiate a recount in Wisconsin and has pledged to do so in Pennsylvania and Michigan by next week’s filing deadline.

“After a divisive and painful presidential race, reported hacks into voter and party databases and individual email accounts are causing many American to wonder if our election results are reliable. These concerns need to be investigated before the 2016 presidential election is certified.” Stein said in a statement. “We deserve elections we can trust.”

This recount may not result in much. But Mr. Trump, know this: We will fight, challenge, and oppose you, everywhere, all the time.

Stein has raised more than $2.5 million that has been donated to support the recount and is seeking $7 million.

Jill Stein raised nearly twice as much in a day with this fake recount as she did for her entire campaign.

Elias made it clear that although the Clinton campaign has looked for cases of voter fraud,
 it has not found them.
“The campaign is grateful to all those who have expended time and effort to investigate various claims of abnormalities and irregularities,” Elias wrote.
“While that effort has not, in our view, resulted in evidence of manipulation of results, now that a recount is underway, we believe we have an obligation to the more than 64 million Americans who cast ballots for Hillary Clinton to participate in ongoing proceedings to ensure that an accurate vote count will be reported.”

Now obvious Crooked Hillary behind recount scam.

Elias noted that the margins of victory enjoyed by Trump in the targeted states are greater than any to have been altered in any past recount.
“But regardless of the potential to change the outcome in any of the states, we feel it is important, on principle, to ensure our campaign is legally represented in any court proceedings and represented on the ground in order to monitor the recount process itself,” Elias wrote.

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