Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Obama In Denial, So Are His Supporters

Seriously: Obama Brags 

About His Scandal-Free


Leah Barkoukis
Posted: Nov 21, 2016 8:59 AM

Seriously: Obama Brags About His Scandal-Free Administration
Former Secretary of State Hillary
 Clinton just lost an election in
 part over her email scandal,
 but while in Peru for an
 international summit, President
 Obama actually boasted about
 how his administration has
 been scandal-free over the
 last eight years.
 @POTUS: "I'm extremely proud of the fact that over 8 years we
 have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations." pic.twitter.com/Uv6ZVHl4H8
But the email scandal isn’t the only one to have plagued his
administration during his tenure. Apparently the president has
 also forgotten about the IRS' targeting of conservative groups,
the VA scandal, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the ransom payment
to Iran, exchanging 5 terrorists for an Army deserter, Solyndra,
GSA gone wild, the NSA and Edward Snowden, incompetence
and prostitution at the Secret Service, and the DOJ’s investigation
 of reporters, just to name a few. 

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