Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump Is Experiencing His Honeymoon With Americans. Can He Keep It Up?

BREAKING POLL: Trump’s Favorability Soars After Election


The liberal media made a huge deal throughout the 2016 presidential campaign of the fact that President-elect Donald Trump had a high disapproval rating —  just like Hillary Clinton   and tapped it as proof that he would never be accepted as leader of the nation.
But according to a recent poll from Politico and Morning Consult, something unexpected happened after the election: Trump’s popularity has actually gone up substantially among the electorate.
That poll revealed that Trump was viewed somewhat or very favorably by 46 percent of respondents, a 9-point upswing from the 37 percent who viewed him favorably right before the election.

At the same time, Trump’s unfavorability rating has plummeted 15 points after the election, from 61 to 46 percent somewhat or very unfavorable, seemingly showing that opinions on Trump are roughly split equally.
“Trump’s favorability among voters has reached new highs since he became president-elect,” explained Kyle Dropp, co-founder and chief research officer of Morning Consult. “This honeymoon phase is common for new presidents. For example, Obama saw about a 20-point swing in his favor following the 2008 election.”
The poll also showed that roughly 53 percent of respondents thought Trump’s transition efforts were either the same as or better than previous administration transition periods, giving the lie to media reports of chaos and bitter infighting dragging the Trump transition team down.

These results aren’t far off from those of a separate poll conducted the week following the election by Gallup and reported by CBS News that also showed an increase in Trump’s favorability rating.
That Gallup poll found an 8-point increase in Trump’s favorability, from 34 to 42 percent. Meanwhile, the poll still showed him with a disapproval rate of nearly 55 percent, though presumably that had dropped in relation to his rise in favorability.
Donald Trump certainly has his work cut out for him in trying to counter the definitely one-sided and predominantly negative media coverage of him that has certainly contributed to his low favorabilty ratings, but if the jumps in those ratings following the election are any indication, he is already moving rapidly in the right direction.
H/T The Hill

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