Monday, November 28, 2016

Trudeau Has NO Understanding Of The Evil Of Castro

Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz slam Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for praising Fidel Castro


Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz slam Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for praising Fidel Castro
GREENVILLE, SC - FEBRUARY 17: Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) participates in a CNN South Carolina Republican Presidential Town Hall February 17, 2016 in Greenville, South Carolina. The primary vote in South Carolina is February 20. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Marco Rubio (Fla.) strongly rebuked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Twitter Saturday after Trudeau released a statement praising now-deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
Cruz and Rubio, who are both of Cuban decent, took issue with Trudeau saying he had “deep sorrow” over Castro’s death. In his five paragraph statement, Trudeau also praised Castro as a “remarkable leader.”
But for Cruz and Rubio, Castro’s death was personal. They each released statements condemning Castro. And for a world leader like Trudeau, Rubio and Cruz saw his Castro praises unacceptable.
“Is this a real statement or a parody? Because if this is a real statement from the PM of Canada it is shameful &
embarrassing,” Rubio tweeted Saturday, linking to a tweet of Trudeau’s statement.

“Disgraceful. Why do young socialists idolize totalitarian tyrants? Castro, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot — all evil, torturing murderers,” Cruz tweeted with the hashtag “#truth,” while also linking to a tweet of Trudeau’s statement.

It’s clear that the sentiments of Cruz and Rubio resonated with many, as their tweets combined to garner more than 19,000 retweets and nearly 30,000 likes.
Both Cruz and Rubio have argued through the weekend that although it’s positive for the Cuban people that Castro is now dead, the Cuban people will not yet be free until the entire Castro regime is no longer in power.
And instead of remembering Castro, Cruz urged Americans on Saturday to remember and honor the victims of his brutal communist regime.
Rubio also slammed President Barack Obama on Saturday for his “pathetic” statementon Castro’s death, which side-stepped the atrocities the Cuban people have endured for more than a half century under Castro.

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