Thursday, November 17, 2016

We Like John Bolton

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Senator Rand Paul, noted dreamer, pacifist, universalist, advocate of weakened US military presence and power, leader from behind as per Obama does not like John Bolton for Secretary of State.
However, Ambassador Bolton he is exactly the kind of leader we need to strengthen our military and stop the flagrant aggression of Russia China, Iran North Korea — All of whom Obama deliberately empowered by weakening us.
Paul is also wrong. The American public did not vote for any more defeatist foreign policy encouraging the continued never ending aggression of our mortal enemies.
We need to make America great again both economically and militarily. They happen to go hand and hand.
Go President – Elect Trump. John Bolton as I have been writing for the last week is your man. Do not be intimidated by the losers on the Left.
“Ambassador John Bolton — Secretary of State
He is a former Ambassador to the UN and was forced out by the fanatics on the Left — especially since he had done an amazing first year job.
Unfortunately, the weakening, pusillanimous President George W.Bush succumbed to the mindless Left and withdrew his nomination.
Ambassador Bolton knows the nations of the world upside down and backwards. He needs no on the job training
And, he is no fool. He is a patriotic American who knows all the machinations of our many adversaries and could step immediately and comfortably into the job —which is exactly what we need in these extremely perilous international times Again, thank you to, soon to be, Mr. Barack Obama.”
Jerome S. Kaufman, Editor/Publisher

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