Sunday, December 4, 2016

At Least One State Is Fighting Illegal Immigration And Sanctuary Cities

Texas Makes MASSIVE Illegal Immigration Move In Obama’s Final Days… Wow

Counting on rule-of-law leadership in the Trump White House ...

When it comes to fighting the Obama White House for immigration sanity, no state has done more to protect America than Texas.
From challenging Barack Obama’s sweeping executive action on immigration in 2014, to Gov. Greg Abbott’s vow this week to rid the Lone Star State of “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens, to bolstering its own border security, Texas has waged a fight on multiple fronts to keep some semblance of control over who’s coming within its jurisdiction.
And in the wake of Monday’s terror attack on the campus of Ohio State University that left 11 innocents injured and their attacker dead, those efforts took on a whole new urgency.

Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday, Abbott said terrorist attacks like Monday’s were exactly the reason he has been fighting Obama for so long, first as Texas attorney general and now as governor.
The attack by an ISIS-inspired Somali student occurred on the school’s campus in Columbus, Ohio, when Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into a crowd of people shortly before 10 a.m., then get out and began stabbing random victims with a butcher knife. A quick-thinking campus police officer shot him to death.
“It was this very issue that caused me as the governor of Texas to withdraw Texas from the refugee relocation process,” Abbott told “Fox & Friends.” “I predicted this was going to happen.”

Check out the interview here.

Texas hasn’t always been successful in fighting the Obama White House when it comes to refugees. In June, the state lost a round in court when a federal judge ruled the Lone Star state could not stop the federal government from resettling refugees within its borders.
However, Texas has had more success battling the Obama administration when it comes to illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central and South America. As the lead state challenging Obama’s 2014 executive action allowing up to 5 million illegal immigrants to obtain work permits and drivers licenses, Texas won a huge victory in the Supreme Court in June when a 4-4 tie confirmed an appeals court ruling that Obama had overstepped his authority.

Now, Abbott has taken the fight against illegal immigration to cities inside his own state, where Democrat mayors and city councils are openly defying federal immigration laws to call themselves “sanctuary cities,” where federal powers simply don’t apply.
Shortly after Donald Trump was declared the president-elect, a number of liberal mayors around America spoke out in defense of their sanctuary city policies, essentially daring a Trump administration to cut off federal funds.
During his Fox News interview, Gov. Abbott said he had already taken steps to cut state funds to cities that refuse to follow federal immigration laws and would sign a bill into law that actually bans “sanctuary cities” in Texas.
The bill, proposed by Republican state Sen. Charles Perry, would require all local governments in Texas to comply with federal immigration law, to allow law enforcement officers to question the immigration status of anyone who is stopped and to keep a record of any immigration status collected as part of a case file.
Governments that fail to follow the law could lose law enforcement funding from the state, according to Breitbart.
Abbot told the “Fox & Friends” crew he is looking forward to getting the bill after the legislative session opens next year.
“When we pass a strong rebuke to sanctuary cities and ban sanctuary cities here in the state of Texas, the consequences will be so extreme for the cities and the counties, they will have to follow the law,” he said. “And listen, all we’re asking them to do is to follow and apply the federal law of the United States of America.”
Even if the law wouldn’t have applied to the Ohio State attacker, who was a permanent legal resident of the United States, the Texas approach should sound pretty much like common sense to most Americans. The fact that it actually has to be a state law to require local governments to follow a federal law is a symptom of just how insanely deteriorated the rule of law has become.
It didn’t start with Barack Obama, of course, but it’s gotten rapidly worse in his eight years of misgovernance. After Jan. 20, when President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in, that could start turning around at long last.
“With President Obama, it’s been like us governors pushing a big boulder up a steep hill,” Abbott said.
“Now we’re on a level playing field where we have a president who believes in enforcing the rule of law in this country, so our job is going to be easier. However, we know the states are able to act more quickly than the federal government, so we’re still going to move post haste to get this law passed.”
The quicker the situation gets under control, the less likely another attack like the one at Ohio State is going to be.
What do you think?

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