Sunday, December 4, 2016

Trump Choices Are Very Right!


Trump Is Driving Liberals to New Heights of Frustration

Trolling is a true pleasure to watch when a master is at work, and no one – no one – trolls like the man Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds has dubbed the “Grandmaster,” our President-elect Donald Trump. Hell, even his title is a troll. President-elect Donald Trump – just having to say it makes pointy progressive heads explode.
But look on the bright side, suckers. This time come January, you won’t have to call him “President-elect” anymore. Because then it will be President Donald Trump.
Cue the giant sad trombone.
Look, I had some serious beefs with Trump during the primaries, and I committed to vote for him only because the choice was either him or Harpy O’Smarmalot, and I couldn’t listen to that shrill harridan yapping at me for four years while she turned America into Venezuela North. But I have to hand it to The Donald. He’s doing great so far, and it’s just killing the liberals. Which makes it even greater.
Trump is trolling them with competence.
Transition chaos? Oh please. The new crew is functioning remarkably well, despite the media spazzathon. And it’s always fun to get an organizational critique from the apoplectic liberal media whineatariat, whose sole organizational experience consists of gathering up the usual scruff-bearded femboys and scruff-bearded womyn and marching over to the dean’s office to demand that the campus wrestling team stop liking girls.
Jeff Sessions? Great choice – honest, smart, and he has the DOJ experience to know where the shredders are shredding. The leftists aren’t upset because he doesn’t know how to be a great AG; they are terrified because he does.
Gee, how does the lefty media react? Surprise: “RACIST!” They know it’s a damn lie, but they think people are still stupid enough to believe it. So this pick is itself another troll – this one reinforcing that the media is a pack of lying weasels. Right about now, no one would actually believe a media racism accusation unless the accused showed up in a white robe carrying a dog-eared copy of “The Collected Racial Musings of Kleagle/Democrat Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd.”

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