Sunday, May 21, 2017

When The Inevitable Happens, Will Americans Continue To Ignore The Muslim Threat?

Conservative Tom says:

Islamists will one day cause major damage in the US not unlike what has happened around the world. Will it take a major tragedy like 9/11 for Americans to awaken to the threat? 

We have been watching the surge of Islamic terrorism in Europe and know that one day it will come here. Are you prepared for this eventuality?

Conservative  Tom

Muslims Arrested in Minnesota with ‘Bomb-making Devices’

(Leo Hohmann, WND) A routine police check in Minnesota resulted in the arrest of two Muslim men on charges they were driving around with an arsenal of weapons including bomb-making devices.
Muslims Arrested in Minnesota with 'Bomb-making Devices'
Suspects Abdullah Alrifahe and Majid Alrifahe, both of Minneapolis, were arrested last Thursday, May 11, 2017 in Minneapolis, allegedly with an arsenal in their vehicle.
Abdullah N. Alrifahe, 27, and Majid N. Alrifahe, 26, both of Minneapolis, were arrested May 11 after police had reason to search their car and found a hand grenade, handgun, several assault rifles and magazines and a large quantity of ammunition, according to the police report. They also found cellphones, drone parts, computers and electronics devices capable of igniting a bomb.
A newly released ISIS video encouraged terrorists in the U.S. to launch new attacks, and the video’s instructions, delivered by an American ISIS operative, included the use of drones and rovers.
“It showcases a range of proprietary weapons that ISIS militant workshops have developed,” Laith Alkhouri, a security analyst with Flashpoint, told NBC News, pointing out rocket-propelled grenade launchers, shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles, video-equipped guided missiles, a remote-controlled “rover” that can drop explosive devices under military vehicles, and a drone that could potentially drop a bomb on a crowd.
Former Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann said the size of the cache should send off alarm bells for local police, as it signals that an active Islamic terrorist cell could be operating in the city. But the city seems paralyzed by political correctness, she said.
“Of course we have cells in Minnesota, but the Minneapolis police believe the religion of peace doesn’t commit terror acts,” Bachmann said. “The hijab-wearing Minneapolis mayor [Betsy Hodges] and the police department blind and disarm themselves because their Muslim advisers tell them that’s what they should do.”
According to police, both men gave their address as a nearby public housing building. Both have a criminal history. Abdullah has prior convictions for weapons violations. He has also been convicted of receiving stolen property. Both men are listed as having numerous arrests, not only in Minnesota but also in Texas.
“This is more evidence of failure from the discredited CVE program,” Bachmann said.
The CVE or “countering violent extremism” pilot program under President Obama was first tried in Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Boston before being expanded throughout the nation. It focuses on “violent extremism” inspired by a host of causes such as “white supremacism” and “right-wing” ideology while portraying Islam as just one of many possible causes of terrorism.
The CVE program also led to an attempt to rehabilitate Somali Muslim terrorists, which WND recently reported has failed miserably.
Here is how the two men’s cache was found: Police said a man walked by a parked car in north Minneapolis about 5 p.m. last Thursday and confronted the people inside after they threw food wrappers on the ground. They ignored him until he paused to get the car license number. But the men got out of their car and indicated they had guns, according to a May 15 criminal complaint.
“The man flagged down officers, the complaint says, but the men from inside the car continued to yell at him and resisted the officers’ attempts to control the situation,” the Star-Tribune reports. The men insisted they needed to be near the car because a drone was coming to “deliver a package,” according to the complaint. Because of the suspicious circumstances and fear for the man’s safety, the police placed the two men in a squad car while they searched their vehicle.
That’s when the weapons were found.
Bomb-squad personnel called to the scene noted that the large amount of ammunition and electronic devices could be used for bomb-making, the complaint said.
“We are in the middle of an insurgency and in order for it to be stopped, we need a counter-insurgency effort,” said Debra Anderson, head of the Minnesota chapter of ACT for America. “It’s alarming. They are preparing for war. And the first line of defense is going to be our neighborhoods. That’s why I’ve been primarily focused on educating my fellow Minnesotans about the nature of the threat.”
She said sheriffs, legislators and pastors hold the key to defeating the threat, which will be defeated at the local and state level. “Pastors are the hardest nut to crack.”
Alrifahe, 27, was charged with a gross misdemeanor for carrying a handgun in public without a permit and was convicted of the offense in December.
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