Sunday, May 21, 2017

White House Tours Opens Up

Melania Issues New Orders to WH Tour Guides… Opens More of Building to Public

tFor the first time in the history of White House tours, visitors will now be able to view the famous White House movie theater, thanks to a new directive by first lady Melania Trump.
On May 12, Trump announced that the “newest piece of the tour” was meant to give people more access to the building’s “rich history” and “wonderful traditions,” according to the Washington Examiner.
The move to open up more of the White House to ordinary citizens stood in stark contrast to former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle, who regularly hosted celebrities and star-studded events but suspended citizen tours of the mansion for eight months in 2013.

“The White House belongs to the people of this country,” Melania Trump said in her announcement. “I believe everyone who takes the time to visit and tour the White House should have as much access to its rich history and wonderful traditions as possible. It is my hope that our visitors truly enjoy the newest piece of the tour.”

The East Wing theater, which holds 51 seats along tiered rows, was a cloakroom before President Franklin D. Roosevelt converted it in 1942, according to Independent Journal Review.

The room has been renovated several times since its conversion into a theater, with the most recent renovation taking place under President George W. Bush.
In the past, the space has been used to host special guests, such as military personnel and their families, and as a rehearsal space for presidents preparing for major speeches.

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In the past, Presidents would use the @WhiteHouse Family Movie Theater to rehearse for the annual  address

For the most part, though, it has been a quiet space for presidents to relax with their families when time allows.

The White House also released a video accompanying the announcement, in which viewers were given a glimpse of the newest attraction on the tour. Check it out here:

Will you be making plans to visit the Trump White House and see the historical movie theater that first lady Melania Trump has made available to us? Like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter and let us know.
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