Sunday, July 2, 2017

On This Trump Is 100% Accurate

Watch: Trump admits something about America’s founding that Obama never dared to utter


Watch: Trump admits something about America’s founding that Obama never dared to utter
President Donald Trump spoke at an Independent Day celebration over the weekend where he proclaimed that American rights come from God. (NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump spoke to hundreds at the “Celebrate Freedom Rally” in Washington D.C., Saturday night at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, where he honored American veterans and celebrated American independence.
According to Reuters, the event “resembled both a political rally and an evangelical Christian religious service ahead of the July 4 Independence Day holiday.”
During his lengthy speech, Trump honored veterans — and specifically one man who served in World War II’s Battle of the Bulge — criticized the news media, something he also did on Twitter Saturday, and affirmed what the Declaration of Independence says about the origin of human and American rights.
One line specifically, where Trump declared that human rights come from a creator God, drew a large round of applause, likely because those kinds of statements were largely absent during the era of former President Barack Obama.
“Since the signing of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago, America always affirmed that liberty comes from our creator,” Trump said.
“Our rights are given to us by God and no earthly force can ever take those rights away. That is why my administration is returning that power back to where it belongs — to the people,” he declared.
Indeed, according to the Declaration of Independence signed on July 4, 1776, which declared America’s independence from Great Britain, “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
The event was sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, and its senior pastor, Robert Jeffress, who is a devout Trump supporter.
A choir also sung during the event, performing songs like “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and even performed a song specifically for Trump with lyrics like “make America great again,” a reference to Trump’s famous campaign slogan, according to Fox News.
During his speech, the president personally saluted World War II veteran Harry Miller for his lifelong service and wounded warrior Luis Avila. Miller enlisted in the reserves at 15, even though he was not old enough to serve. He fought in Europe and in The Battle of the Bulge. Avila, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was on a fifth deployment when he was wounded, losing his leg, during an intelligence reconnaissance mission.
“We all bleed the same red blood,” said Trump, promising an adoring crowd that America would “win again.”
During his time so far in the White House, Trump has not been afraid to mention God in speeches. Just last month, during a speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference, Trump declared that “in America, we don’t worship government — we worship God.”

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