Sunday, July 2, 2017

Tennessee Fires Back At California

Tennessee Responds to California’s Travel Ban to the State


“feel the pain and not Tennessee.”
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the other forty-eight states to refrain from
imposing their unfounded moral judgment on their sister states as California has done in order to prevent escalating foolishness,” the resolution further added.
The resolution also slammed California for its “exorbitant taxes, spiraling budget deficits, runaway social welfare programs, and rampant illegal immigration.”

The best part was the snark contained in this delectable line: “Tennessee is pleasantly surprised that California will not be sending its economic development teams to Tennessee to recruit our businesses.”
Not that business-friendly Tennessee would have had to worry anyway. Businesses have been fleeing Californialeft and right over the past couple of years due to its anti-business laws. And the exodus out of the leftist state is expected to only grow worse as it further hikes its taxes and imposes even more regulations on small businesses.

The state of Tennessee has fired back at California's travel ban of TN, TX, AL, KY & KS. Official resolution:

Instead of waking up and growing a brain, however, California’s leaders continue to double down on stupid, according to a report in The Washington Post.
“While the California DOJ works to protect the rights of all our people, discriminatory laws in any part of our country send all of us several steps back,” Becerra said in a statement last week after he added even more states to his totalitarian ban. “That’s why when California said we would not tolerate discrimination against LGBTQ members of our community, we meant it.”
So be it. Frankly, who would want anything to do with California in the first place? From harboring illegal immigrants to driving away businesses and even attempting to impeach President Donald Trump, the state has demonstrated that it doesn’t want much to do with the great experiment-turned success known as America.
In that case, I got two words for it: Buh-bye!

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about the scathing way in which Tennessee hit back at the socialists, bullies and totalitarians in California.
What do you think about California's absurd ban?

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