Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville's Mayor Did Not Commit Police To Keep The Warring Parties Apart. Was This Planned To Go Bad?

Charlottesville Mayor Lays Blame for Violence on President Trump


On Saturday, the United States watched in horror as violence engulfed Charlottesville, Virginia. Far-right and far-left protesters clashed with each other, culminating in one far-right protester driving his car into the far-left protesters, killing a woman and injuring several.
Immediately after this act of domestic terror, liberals began looking around for someone to blame, and they all seemingly settled on one target: President Donald Trump.
Charlottesville Democrat Mayor Michael Signer singled out Trump for the violence, placing the blame for the day’s events on him and his administration, The Daily Caller reported.

“I mean, look at the intentional courting, both on the one hand of all these white supremacists, white nationalists, a group like that, anti-Semitic groups, and then look on the other hand the repeated failure to step up, condemn, denounce, silence, you know, put to bed all those different efforts, just like we saw yesterday,” Signer explained during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.
The only problem with Signer blaming the White House is that if anyone should be blamed for what happened on Saturday (besides those who committed crimes), it is Signer himself.
As mayor of the city, it was his responsibility to deploy police officers, protect citizens and ensure that the protest didn’t turn violent. He failed across the board, and now an innocent person is dead.
Even liberal outfits pointed out that the authorities — that would be Mayor Signer — let the violence unfold.
Pro Publica noted that during the protests, many police simple stood by and watched as the violence unfolded, opting to take a more “hands off” approach.
In a tweet, the ACLU wrote that police stated they would not intervene “until given command to do so,” indicating that someone in the city government ordered the police to stand down while violence engulfed the city.

Clash between protesters and counter protesters. Police says "We'll not intervene until given command to do so." 

Trump didn’t make a violent racist thug commit murder. Trump didn’t make violent leftist thugs beat up a reporter and cause mayhem. Blaming him for the day’s horrors is ridiculous.
Signer knew these protests were going to happen long before any violence broke out. He could have prepared the city for what was going to happen, but he failed to do his job.
If he wants to blame anyone, he should go take a look in the mirror.
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What did you think of the mayor's claim?

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