Monday, August 14, 2017

Where Are The Reports On The Female Reported Assaulted In Charlottesville?

Media Silent About Antifa Attack on Female Reporter in Charlottesville

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There was plenty of guilt to go around this weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia, where one individual was killed during a white supremacist rally.
According to Fox News, James Alex Fields Jr. allegedly ran his car into a group of counter-protesters. The Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation into the case and the suspect is alleged to have had a fascination with Hitler and the Nazis. Investigators are now trying to determine whether he had help in planning the attack. They’re also considering domestic terrorism charges against Fields.
However, one of the most disturbing incidents not related to the sickening attack came right afterwards, when a shirtless man allegedly with the leftist counter-protesters apparently punched a female reporter who had recorded the incident.
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Taylor Lorenz, a reporter for The Hill, was recording at the site of the accident. In the video, a protester initially comes up to her and asks her, “I’m sorry, please, can you put that away? … I understand, can you please put that away?” From the context, he was apparently speaking in reference to her camera.
Moments later, a leftist thug came up to her and told her “Stop f****** recording!” as he punched her.
Here’s a link to the video, which we must warn you is extremely disturbing; it contains not only footage of Fields Jr.’s deadly attack, but also the attack on Lorenz and vulgar language. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
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On Twitter, Lorenz said she was filing charges against the man who punched her. (WARNING: Some slight vulgar language ahead):

The video cuts off at the end b/c some asshole came over and punched me in the face and kicked my phone for recording (I said I was press)
I'm filing a charge against the guy for punching me but it's slammed at the police station right now so prob nothing will happen 🙃🙃🙃

In a further tweet, she said she was fine but that she was “really f****** pissed at the guy who punched me mostly because he cut off my stream.” She later tweeted that the alleged attacker already had a warrant out for his arrest.

I'm at the police station now interviewing officers and other witnesses. Every witness here claims the act was deliberate
Turns out the guy who punched me in the face for recording after the incident already had a warrant out for his arrest. So he's being held.

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Fields’ alleged terrorist act and the rebarbative white supremacy on display in Charlottesville were obviously the most disgusting things to happen in the Virginia town this weekend. However, if you were looking for criminality and vitriol, there was plenty to be found on both sides.
Yet, the media has mostly been silent on the attack on this reporter. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or a political scientist) scientist to figure out why this is. Or how much differently the attack would have been played if it had been a pro-Trump demonstrator who punched this woman.
Acknowledging the violence from so-called antifas doesn’t mitigate the profound culpability of the white supremacists and neo-Nazis that descended on Charlottesville this weekend, nor does it diminish the tragedy of lost life.
Rather, it paints a fuller picture of the kind of disgusting, violent intolerance that we’re dealing with in the year 2017 — one that every American, conservative or liberal, needs to acknowledge.
But painting a full picture is not the business the mainstream media is in these days.
H/T Breitbart
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