Sunday, October 22, 2017

Non Politicized Trump Phone Call Entirely Different From The Politicized One

Gold Star Widow Records Trump Call, Releases Video That Clears Trump’s Name


In the wake of recent accusations that President Donald Trump made inappropriate comments to the family of a fallen soldier, one military widow has stepped up to defend the president in a powerful way.
Gold Star widow Natasha De Alencar recently released to The Washington Post the audio of a phone conversation she had with Trump in April after her husband, Army Staff Sgt. Mark R. De Alencar, was killed in Afghanistan.
“I am so sorry to hear about the whole situation. What a horrible thing, except that he’s an unbelievable hero,” Trump told the grieving widow.

“Thank you. I really, really appreciate it,” she said. “I really do, sir.”
Her husband, a member of the 7th Special Forces Group, was killed during a firefight with Islamic State fighters in eastern Afghanistan. In addition to his wife of 15 years, he left behind five children — Deshaune, 20, Octavia, 18, ­Rodrigo, 16, Tatiyana, 13, and Marcos, 5.
During the president’s conversation with De Alencar, he extended an open invitation for the widow and her family to visit him at the White House.
“If you’re around Washington, you come over and see me in the Oval Office,” he said. “You just come over and see me because you are just the kind of family … this is what we want.”
Trump also asked the widow to pass along a special message to her children: “(T)ell them your father he was a great hero that I respected.”
“At that moment when my world was upside down and me and my kids didn’t know which way we were going, it felt like I was talking to just another regular human,” De Alencar said about the conversation.

The president who comforted this Gold Star widow and her family during what was almost certainly one of the most difficult times of their lives stands in stark contrast to the recent accusations made by Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson who said that Trump told another Gold Star widow that her husband “knew what he signed up for.”
Liberals have been so hellbent on portraying Trump as a villain that they politicize any moment or event — even something as personal and sensitive as his conversations with families who have lost loved ones serving our country.
As it turns out, however, their politicization of his conversations with Gold Star families has actually done the opposite of what they likely intended. Instead of showing him as an insensitive jerk, their accusations have revealed a truly caring, human side of the commander in chief that should be comforting to all Americans.

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