Sunday, October 22, 2017

Why Should The Shoe Bomber Get Constitutional Rights, He's Not A Citizen?

He tried to massacre Americans on Christmas, now he’s suing for maltreatment in prison

He tried to massacre Americans on Christmas, now he’s suing for maltreatment in prison
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, dubbed "the underwear bomber," is suing the federal government over what he says is maltreatment as he serves his life sentence for attempting to murder U.S. citizens. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried and failed to blow up an airliner full of passengers on Christmas in 2009, but now he’s suing the U.S. government for better treatment while in prison.

What is he claiming?

In a lawsuit filed Wednesday and obtained by CBS, Abdulmutallab claims that the Department of Justice is violating his First, Fifth and Eighth Amendment rights.
The lawsuit alleges that he is being abused by being held in longterm solitary confinement. The strict rules of imprisonment placed on “Mr. Abdulmutallab prohibit him from having any communication whatsoever with more than 7.5 billion people, the vast majority of people on the planet,” says the complaint.
He also claims the restrictions keep him from praying with fellow Muslims, thus inhibiting his freedom to practice his religion. The court filing also claims “corrections officers have allowed… religious harassment by white supremacist inmates against Muslim inmates.”

What is he in prison for?

Abdulmutallab is serving a life sentence at a Supermax federal prison for attempting to light chemicals he had secreted onto a plane in his underwear in 2009 on Christmas. When he tried to light the bomb, he only produced smoke and flame.
Had he been successful, he could have killed the 289 people on board the flight.

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