Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Underbelly Of Socialized Medicine

Socialized Health Care Recipients in UK Leaving Country to Get Medical Help

While the left like to extol the virtues of socialized health care, the truth about it is ugly — and even dangerous.
In the socialized medicine world of the United Kingdom and its National Health Service, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed the number of patients flying out of Britain for medical treatment has tripled in three years, the U.K. Times reported.
In 2014, 48,190 citizens left the U.K. for medical reasons. In 2015, that number rose to 100,338. Last year, the number of people leaving the country to seek medical help jumped to 143,996, the Times reported.

In addition to the rising number of patients leaving Britain, waiting times in emergency rooms have reached an all-time high, the U.K. Daily Telegraph reported.
Longer waiting times are the result of “inadequate NHS funding and too few beds and doctors,” Chaand Nagpaul, British Medical Association council chairman, said, according to the Times.
“It is a desperately sad state of affairs that people who have paid into the NHS all their lives are finding it is not there for them when they need it,” Joyce Robins, founder of the health campaigning group Patient Concern, told the Telegraph.

“These are essential operations, but thousands of people are being left in pain and misery — for every person who goes abroad there will be many more left suffering,” she added.
Robins is right — that is a truly sad state for any nation to find itself in.
And there is no solution in sight.

“With over 400,000 NHS patients waiting longer than 18 weeks for planned treatment and an increasing number of clinical commissioning groups restricting access to surgery for certain groups of patients it is not surprising that some people will look elsewhere,” Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Scarlett McNally told the Times.
This is the kind of health care that leftists want to bring to our country.
While liberals love to sell “free health care,” we all know that nothing is free. Britain is just one of many countries learning that free health care amounts to waiting lines so long that patients are forced to seek help elsewhere before their conditions worsen.
We don’t need that here. America’s health care system is far from perfect, but no amount of government meddling can fix it.

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What do you think about socialized medicine coming to the United States?

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