Thursday, October 26, 2017

There Are More Questions Than Answers In the Las Vegas Shootings. Scary That We Cannot Get The Truth

Tucker Reveals Las Vegas Security Guard Left The Country Days After Shooting [VIDEO]

Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a huge new detail on the days following the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history in Las Vegas Wednesday.
According to a document from a confidential source, Tucker revealed that Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos left the United States to go to Mexico just days after being an eyewitness to the Las Vegas mass shooting committed by Stephen Paddock.

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Carlson said that he has a “customs and border patrol form that shows Jesus Campos entering the United States from Mexico at the San Ysidro border crossing in San Diego county almost exactly one week after the Las Vegas shooting. The document does not reveal how long Campos had been in Mexico.”
He continued, “Our source told us that Campos entered the United States at the same crossing in January of this year. At that time, he was driving his own vehicle, with Nevada plates. And yet in this document from a little over two weeks ago, Campos was driving what appears to be a rental car with California plates.”
Carlson said, “Jesus Campos is the only eyewitness to the biggest mass shooting in modern American history. At the time he was in Mexico, the press was reporting that investigators thought Paddock may have had an accomplice. Why did authorities allow him to leave the country just days after it occurred, while the investigation was still chaotic?”
The Daily Caller co-founder raised a number of questions, asking, “How did Campos, who reportedly had a gunshot wound to the leg from a high-powered rifle round, manage to travel to Mexico? Did he fly? Did he drive? Was his employer aware that he left the country? Were investigators? Did they facilitate the trip? What day did Campos get to Mexico? How was he able to drive back, for hundreds of miles, from the San Diego border to Nevada? Why did he take a rental car instead of his own? The union that represents Campos told us that they were aware he left the country. Why did it take a government leak for the rest of us to find out?”
Carlson also asked, “Had [Campos] ever had previous contact with Stephen Paddock?”
“We could go on. The point is, this story gets murkier by the day. That’s the opposite of what’s supposed to happen. It’s impossible to know exactly what’s going on with the Vegas shooting investigation. But it’s obvious there’s lying and incompetence at the heart of it,” he concluded.

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