Monday, January 15, 2018

When It Comes To The Clintons, The Media Is Deaf, Dumb And Blind

The Clintons pushed for massive waste and exploitation of Haiti – no media outrage

January 14, 2018
The Clintons pushed for massive waste and exploitation of Haiti – no media outrageImage Source: Screenshot
The Clintons were among many who condemned President Donald Trump for allegedly using an expletive to refer to Haiti, El Salvador, and various African nations. But the former first family seems to have forgotten that they are in no place to criticize.
In the wake of criticism regarding Trump’s tough language in an immigration meeting, many have begun to turn the tables on the Clintons, pointing out the role they played in Haitian relief efforts after a 2010 earthquake. Although most news outlets didn’t cover it, evidence was found years ago which demonstrates that the Clintons squandered billions of dollars in Haitian relief efforts, leaving the country worse off than it was before the earthquake. 

Problems with funding

Haiti was left in ruins after 2010’s devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake, which killed hundreds of thousands of people and left over one million homeless. With the nation devastated, the international community came to their aid, with billions of dollars donated to the relief effort.
Much of this money was directed by Bill Clinton, who was named by the United Nations as Special Envoy to Haiti, and Hillary Clinton, who was then secretary of State and in charge of U.S. aid allocated to Haiti.
With Bill and Hillary Clinton in charge, however, it seemed that much of the funding did not seem to be making its way to the Haitian people. Government watchdog group Judicial Watch reported in July 2013:
Roughly half of the $1.14 billion that the U.S. government allocated to help Haiti recover from the 2010 earthquake [as of 2013] went to wasteful projects, with the single largest chunk—$170.3 million—going to a failed port and power plant adventure heavily promoted by Bill Clinton and the State Department under the leadership of his wife.
Additionally, according to National Review, Haitian protesters “observed that a number of companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation.”
In other words, the Clintons seemed to direct the relief funds to their friends, who did little to nothing to help the Haitian people.

Corruption in paradise?

Some have even accused the Clintons of using relief funds for personal commitments. Doug Band, a former top official of the Clinton Foundation, alleged that some of the relief funds given to the Foundation were used to pay for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in the summer following the earthquake.
The Clinton family has denied these allegations, instead pretending to care about Haiti on social media in light of Trump’s alleged comments.
Hillary Clinton tweeted on Friday:
Daughter Chelsea Clinton tweeted on Thursday:
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Even the former president got in on it:
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As much as the Clintons have condemned President Trump for his choice of language when describing countries like Haiti, which he has vehemently denied, it may be time for them to take a look in the mirror.
Their history with nations like Haiti hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows, either.

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