Thursday, March 8, 2018

FISA Abuses Deserve A Special Counsel

Gowdy Demands a New Special


  • Source: TTN
  • by: Donny Bomenabori
83 34 4  188
Just when you thought the Obama legacy couldn't be worse off in the Trump
era, news of a possible Special Counsel changes that game with a letter to the
 Department of Justice from to high-ranking congressmen about the partisan
 abuse of the FISA Court. “Matters have arisen—both recently and otherwise—
which necessitate the appointment of a Special Counsel. We do not make this
observation and attendant request lightly,” Gowdy, R-S.C., and Goodlatte, R-Va.
 wrote in a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General
 Rod Rosenstein.

Currently, the Attorney General is relying on an Inspector General inside the
 Department of Justice to investigate abuses of the Foreign Intelligence
 Surveillance Court by the Obama administration. But Rep. Gowdy argues
 that there are critical information sources that the IG cannot access, which
necessitates the appointment of a Special Counsel. The congressmen
wrote, “There is evidence of bias, trending toward animus, among those
charged with investigating serious cases.” They added, “There is evidence
political opposition research was used in court filings. There is evidence this
 political opposition research was neither vetted before it was used nor fully
 revealed to the relevant tribunal.”

Thirteen lawmakers signed onto a similar letter dent to the Department of
 Justice stating: “Evidence has come to light that raises serious concerns
about decisions and activities by leadership at the highest levels of the
Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding how
and why the Clinton probe ended and how and why the Trump-Russia
probe began.” It isn't clear whether the Department of Justice will move
forward against Obama era abuses, but it looks like there is ample justification
to do so. 


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