Thursday, March 8, 2018

Is The Trump Train Going To Run Over Democrats?


Over These Dems

  • Source: TTN
  • by: Donny Bomenabori
62 41 8  162
POLLS Trump Train ROLLING Over These Dems
Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons
Five Democrats are precariously sitting on the tracks, and the Trump train
 is roaring their way in November. That's according to Axios/SurveyMonkey
 polls, so hardly a Republican friendly source. 

President Trump's best state is West Virginia, where he enjoys 65 percent 
approval from respondents. The poll shows Democrat Joe Manchin, losing 
to a generic Republican 43-52 percent, In North Dakota, President Trump
 has 60 percent approval, but Democrat Senator Heidi Heitkamp loses to 
a generic GOP candidate 47-49 percent. In Montana, where Trump has a 
58 percent approval rating, Democrat Jon Tester has 42 percent of the vote, 
and a generic GOP candidate would get 55 percent.

In Missouri, where Trump rocks a 55 percent approval rating; Democrat Claire
 McCaskill fades behind Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley by a
 whopping 42-55 percent. In Indiana, where Trump’s approval rating was
 53 percent, Democrat Joe Donnelly is losing by 6 points to a generic 
GOP candidate. In Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, Democrat incumbents
 lead by single digits. At this rate, it looks like Schumer's majority will be 
dashed on the tracks behind the Trump train.


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