Monday, March 5, 2018

This Will Blow The Minds Of Gun Haters

University OKs Guns on Campus… 6 Months Later the Results Are Breathtaking

University Oks Guns On Campus... 6 Months Later The Results Are Breathtaking
Six months after adopting concealed carry of firearms on campus, the University of Kansas found that the crime rate dropped and there have been zero weapons violations.
The Lawrence Journal-World reported that “crime decreased 13 percent, with 671 criminal offenses reported to KU police in 2017 compared to 770 incidents in 2016, according to a news release from the KU Office of Public Safety.”
The newspaper added there have been no weapons’ violations on campus in 2017, while there had been 14 reported since 2008 up to that point.
KU prepared for the addition of campus carry being implemented last July by adding three additional security officers to patrol busy areas on campus, as well as portable metal detectors.
Kansas state law only allows those who are 21 or older to concealed carry. On its website, the university notes that 59 percent of students are younger than 21.

The Western Journal Daily Email

Dudley Brown, president of the National Association of Gun Rights, believes there is a causal relationship between the drop in crime rate and permitting concealed carry on campus.
“There’s no doubt that allowing citizens — especially women — to carry the tools for self-defense makes criminals think twice,” he told The Western Journal.
Campus carry advocate Antonia Okafor shares that view, tweeting that KU is “showing the world how #campuscarry is done.”
According to the National Conference on State Legislatures, as of July 2017, eight states allow concealed carry weapons on college campuses.
Meanwhile, 23 states leave the decision up to the individual universities, and 16 states outright ban guns on campuses.
The number of concealed carry permits in the United States rose significantly during the last decade, while the murder rate declined.

Do you think there is a relationship between permitting conceal carry and the crime rate drop at KU?

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Citing statistics from the Crime Prevention Research Center, the National Rifle Association tweeted that between 2007 and 2015, the number of concealed carry permit holders increased by 215 percent, while the murder rate dropped 14 percent and the violent crime rate fell 21 percent.
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Fox News reported that the number of concealed carry permit holders topped 15 million in 2017, which represented an increase of more than a million people: 14.5 million in July 2016 to 15.7 million in May 2017.That spike represented the largest increase in the number of concealed carry owners in the nation’s history.
Regarding the prevalence of privately owned firearms in the U.S., Daily Wire Editor in Chief Ben Shapiro tweeted a chart following the Las Vegas shooting last October showing that the murder rate has been trending down for decades in the U.S., despite gun ownership increasing significantly.
What do you think?

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