Wednesday, April 25, 2018

We Wondered How Long It Would Take Before She Played This Card!

Hateful Fresno Prof Literally Blaming Her Troubles on Racism

Hateful Fresno Prof Literally Blaming Her Troubles on Racism
When news broke of the death of former first lady Barbara Bush, the vast majority of the country mourned her passing and celebrated her full life.
Of course, there were some who took the solemn moment and used it for political grandstanding of the worst sort — dancing on the grave of an ideological opponent — such as was seen in a controversial and disgusting tweets from Fresno State University professor Randa Jarrar.
Following her comments, there was intense backlash… which she now is blaming on racism.
Jarrar unashamedly tweeted, “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal.”
That tweet sparked a flurry of outraged protest and demands that Jarrar be fired, a demand she countered by claiming she was tenured and untouchable in her professorial position at Fresno State.
One might think the backlash and subtle threat to her tenured position from the school would prompt an apology and retraction — or at least a moment of self-reflection — but Jarrar has stood firm on her grave-dancing comments and is now blaming racism for the slings and arrows headed her way, according to The Daily Caller.
Jarrar, who appears white but claims to be of Egyptian, Greek and Palestinian descent, says her race and Muslim religion played a significant role in the criticism she has received.
In an exclusive interview with The Cut, Jarrar said she “absolutely” stood by her initial comments, doubling down with more slams against the Bush family while  pointing to racism as the reason people are criticizing her remarks against a white person.

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“I am not the only person who has stated the belief that Barbara Bush was a racist,” Jarrar said. “But women of color routinely have their tone policed, their justified anger painted as hatred, and their criticism of injustice framed as racism toward white people.”
As to what prompted her screed against Bush in the first place, Jarrar said, “I felt compelled to speak up because I want people to remember history. I want people to know that our country’s actions don’t just disappear; they have real, negative consequences.”
“If we want a better future, we have to confront our past,” she continued. “The Bush family — including Barbara Bush — supported policies that harmed and destroyed the lives of millions.”
As for the demands that she be fired from her tenured position at the university, Jarrar characterized those calls as an attack on her First Amendment right of free speech and an attempt to censor and silence her.
However, The Daily Caller noted that several prominent right-leaning writers have defended Jarrar’s right to speak freely — even as they find what she said to be utterly abhorrent — to include The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro and National Review’s David French, among others.
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And that really is the crux of the matter. Nobody has claimed that Jarrar couldn’t say what she said about Barbara Bush, they only questioned whether she should have said what she said it.
For Jarrar to invoke racism in her attack on the deceased former first lady and then hide behind a separate invocation of racism to defend against the justifiable criticism headed her way is a classic example of how progressive leftists operate these days.
It is nothing short of despicable, and while Jarrar and other hateful leftists have every right to say hateful things, they better be prepared to receive a torrent of righteous indignation in return.
What do you think? 

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