Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why Did She Not Ask Her Kids? Embittered, Anti-Cop, Self-Engrandized Idiot Proves Her Idiocy!

Top Hillary Fundraiser in Disgrace as Video of Sickening Treatment of Cops Goes Viral

Top Hillary Fundraiser in Disgrace as Video of Sickening Treatment of Cops Goes Viral
These police were pure pros.
A former top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who tried to badger two New Jersey police officers by flashing her badge as a commissioner of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey found herself forced to resign last week after a video of the interaction went viral — including an arrogant “f-bomb” she dropped on the cops.
And even if she’s out of one job, she’s still very much in the public eye.
In the video released Tuesday, which has already garnered more than quarter-million views, Caren Z. Turner is seen confronting two Tenafly, New Jersey, officers who’d pulled over an unregistered vehicle Turner’s daughter was riding in on March 31 on the Garden State’s Route 9.
Arriving on the scene to pick up the car’s occupants before the vehicle was towed, Turner none-too-subtly dropped hints that she was a woman of some influence, who was not only a commissioner of the port authority but also a personal friend of the mayor of Tenafly.
She was also chairwoman of the board’s ethics committee, according to numerous media reports. And considering she’s a Democrat, her behavior is about what you would expect.
“I am a commissioner of the port authority, and I am heading up over 4,000 police officers,” she said at one point.
“I’m here as a concerned citizen and friend of the mayor and been in Tenafly for 20 years,” she said at another.

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“Trust me,” she said at yet another. “I will be in with the commissioner of police of Tenafly.”
Unfortunately for Turner, the “do you know who I am?” act didn’t impress the officers one bit.
In a study of professionalism that made Turner look more inane by the minute, the officers repeatedly told her they could give her no information about the stop, and suggested she speak to the driver, who, like all the other vehicle occupants, was over 18 and therefore an adult.
Check out the video above. It’s about 8 minutes long, but just watching how well these officers handed the situation is time well spent. (The “f-bomb” comes about the 7:21 mark.)
According to Fox, Turner was appointed to the port authority commission by Republican Gov. Chris Christie, but she made her reputation in Democrat circles.
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In 2013, USA Today included her in a story about the then-nascent Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and the Ready for Hillary super PAC under the headline “Major Democratic donors join pro-Hillary super PAC.”
Turner’s official title was co-chairman of Ready for Hillary’s national finance committee.
Since the Black Lives Matter movement exploded onto the scene in 2014, Democrats across the country have made it clear how they feel about police officers, and Turner’s arrogant lady-of-the-manor treatment of these two cops on a New Jersey roadside was perfectly in line with how the party considers the men and women in blue. (There’s a reason police unions and border patrol agents endorsed Donald Trump for president over Turner’s candidate.)
Turner probably didn’t realize the whole conversation was being captured on the cops’ dashcam, much less that the video would go viral, but the sickening condescension she put on here fits the Democrat opinion of cops to a tee.
Through it all, though, these police were pure pros.
What do you think? 

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