Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Boy Is Damon Going To Be In Trouble!

Baseball Star Defies Libs at National TV Show: ‘I Love What Trump’s Doing’

Former Major League Baseball star Johnny Damon may have retired from the game, but he just hit a figurative home run with an interview about his thoughts on the job President Donald Trump is doing.
Fox News reporter caught up with Damon backstage during the finale group exhibition episode of “Dancing With The Stars: Athletes” — which Damon participated in — and the retired star revealed he is quite pleased with what Trump has done thus far.
Damon is a personal friend of the president, and was even “fired” by Trump during the 2015 season of NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice.” He is now preparing to serve a two-year term as a member of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness, and Nutrition, and is looking forward to the council’s first White House meeting with Trump next week.
“Donald’s getting stuff done and hopefully everyone lets him to get to work,” stated Damon. “Let’s take care of the issues we have facing our country instead of continuing to fight him.”
On the topic of Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation into alleged Russian collusion and interference in the 2016 election, Damon said, “Seriously, we’re still talking about it? I mean, our country spent millions of dollars already in trying to say something?”
“All I know is, I’m going to know who I’m going to vote for. I don’t need outside influence from anybody,” he continued. “I think that’s the problem. Why are we going to listen to Russia and change our mind about who we’re going to vote for?”
“We’re America, we can think for ourselves and I’m just glad (Trump) continues to do such great work and hopefully, sometime soon, people will actually realize it, because he’s been appointing women to the top positions in the Army,” he added.
In a line-drive shot at Trump’s haters, Damon declared, “Everyone’s trying to bash what he’s trying to do and I love what he’s doing.”

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“He’s a great guy. I think everyone expects a president to be your friend,” he said. “That’s what (former President Barack) Obama did, and it was so great that he was in touch with the people everywhere, but Donald Trump’s trying to get America to run the right way, and he’s been doing it. He’s there to do a job, and that’s to get our country back on the right track.”
“I feel like most people are in the middle,” the former baseball star added. “There’s people on the far left, far right. I’m in the middle and I believe most of America is in the middle.”
Damon also spoke about how “honored” he felt to have been appointed a member of the board for Trump’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition.
That council will be co-chaired by former NFL legend and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker, volleyball star Misty May-Treanor and legendary New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera.
The council’s mission is to promote physical activity and fitness through sports and a nutritious diet, especially for young people. It’s a goal Damon is incredibly familiar with from his own professional sports career, as well as from being the father of a large family.
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With a smile Damon said, “I have eight kids, so I’m on top of it every day.”
Not only is it great that Damon will be serving the president and the nation as part of a council he is certainly fit to be a member of, but it’s also fantastic he’s willing to speak out in defense of his friend who has been so maligned by liberals and the media.
It would be even better if other athletes and celebrities who personally know or are simply supporters of the president also spoke out favorably in public about Trump, if only to let the silent millions of Americans who are also supportive of the president know they aren’t alone.

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