Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The End Is Coming To Many Who Spied On Trump And It Is Coming Soon!

Sen. Ron Johnson Sends Letter to FBI – Discovers Secret Deep State “Sensitive Matter Team” Behind Phony Dossier

On Monday Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent a letter to the FBI Director regarding phony Steele Russia dossier.

Explosive new e-mails show FBI brass discussed dossier briefing details with CNN.

Senator Johnson accused the FBI of having a “sensitive matter team” as reference by FBI Chief of Staff Jim Rybicki in an January 6, 2017 email to unspecified recipients.
Johnson wants to know the members of the “sensitive matter team” who were aware of the phony dossier used to spy on candidate Trump.
FBI has a hell of a lot of explaining to do.

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Senator Ron Johnson letter to the FBI regarding Steele dossier. Explosive new e-mails show FBI brass discussed dossier briefing details with CNN. FBI has a hell of a lot of explaining to do. 

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