Friday, May 4, 2018

CNN Is Becomiing The Porn Star's Advertising Unit

CNN Reporter Disrupts White House Prayer Event with Stormy Daniels Segment

CNN Reporter Disrupts White House Prayer Event With Stormy Daniels Segment
During a White House event Thursday commemorating the National Day of Prayer, CNN went live to a reporter who proceeded to discuss the latest developments regarding payments received by adult film star Stormy Daniels from President Donald Trump’s attorney.
“CNN’s Kaitlan Collins is at the White House where the president is about to take part in an event to mark the National Day of Prayer,” anchor Kate Bolduan said at the start of the segment. “Kaitlan, there’s a lot to pray about today. What are you hearing from the White House?”
The Washington Examiner reported Collins spoke so loudly that some members of the audience turned around to see the source of the noise.
Andrew Beatty, a White House reporter for AFP, tweeted that the CNN reporter was disruptive.
“Slightly awkward moment in the Rose Garden as National Day of Prayer reception guests await the president,” he wrote. “All quiet except for the sound a CNN reporter doing piece to camera about Stormy Daniels. Some giggles some questioning glances.”
Collins tweeted after the event that a White House guest found her reporting “pitiful and disgusting.”
As was true of her live shot, the reporter’s tweet glossed over the fact that Trump did not admit to reimbursing his personal attorney Michael Cohen $130,000 for his payment to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Rather, Trump indicated Cohen was repaid through the $35,000 monthly retainer fee he received as the then-businessman/reality television star’s lawyer.

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He tweeted that non-disclosure agreements, like the one Cohen entered into with Clifford on Trump’s behalf, are “very common among celebrities and people of wealth” and said the purpose was “to stop the false and extortionist accusations by her about an affair” just weeks before the November 2016 election.
Collins predicted that reporters would shout out questions at Trump about the Daniel’s payment at some point during Trump’s appearance at the prayer event, which in fact happened.
Just as Trump was leaving, an unidentified reporter shouted, “What about Stormy Daniels?” which prompted a “shame on you” from an attendee, according to The Daily Caller’s Saagar Enjeti.
NewsBusters reported that CNN has dedicated an inordinate amount of coverage to the Daniels controversy, including having the porn star’s attorney Michael Avenatti on the network nearly 60 times.
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“In less than two months (from March 7 to April 30), Avenatti has been a guest on CNN a total of 59 times — an average of more than once per day,” according to the media watchdog group.
In March, the MRC had already concluded that “CNN has a porn problem.”
The MRC reported at that time, “CNN took it to another level … devoting roughly 41 minutes to (Daniels’) … performance at a Florida strip club.”
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