Friday, May 4, 2018

CNN Without Airport Viewers Would Be Dead

Study: CNN is losing… big time!

The beginning of May brought in very bad news for the network executives at CNN. The news network that President Donald Trump called “fake news” has struggled to bring in viewers — and April was one of their worst months in history.
The king of cable news remains Fox News star Sean Hannity, who reaches an average audience of 3,264,000 viewers.
He’s followed by MSNBC’s Rachael Maddow. In third and forth places are Fox’s Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, respectively.
Way, way down the list is the top rated CNN anchor, Anderson Cooper, in a humiliating 24th place. It has become so bad, CNN’s top primetime show gets fewer viewers than every single Fox News show after 6:00 am.
CNN is losing the cable wars. And they’re losing big time.

It’s not just primetime that has seen CNN’s ratings suffer, either. Viewers are avoiding their entire lineup in droves.
“For the third month in a row, CNN’s New Day is the lowest-rated show in all of cable news (that airs after 6 a.m.), placing 41st with a scant 625,000 viewers,” Breitbart reported. “The show, co-hosted by anti-Trump activists Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, only barely beat Fox & Friends First (#42 with 572,000 viewers), which airs at 4 a.m.!”
For comparison, New Day‘s direct competitor, Fox & Friends, drew 1.53 million viewers on average — 60% more.
Fox News remains the most watched network on cable, averaging 2.4 million primetime viewers in April. CNN was far behind in 8th place overall, a jaw dropping 1.0 million during the same timeslot.

How embarrassing.
— The Horn editorial team

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