Friday, June 15, 2018

CNN Ignores That These Are ILLEGAL Immigrants--Not Legal Ones

Sarah Huckabee Sanders shuts down reporter scolding her about child separation policy

Sarah Huckabee Sanders shuts down reporter scolding her about child separation policy
White House correspondent for Playboy Brian Karem berated White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for defending the Trump administration policy of separating families at the border seeking asylum. (Image Source: YouTube screenshot)
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders refused to answer combative and pointed questioning by a reporter who was asking her if she had compassion for migrants whose families were being separated at the border.
Here’s what happened
CNN analyst and White House correspondent for Playboy Brian Karem berated Sanders at Thursday’s press briefing over the controversial policy implemented by the Trump administration of separating children from parents at the border.
“Don’t you have any empathy for what these people are going through?” Karem exclaimed. “They have less than you do!”
“C’mon Sarah, seriously!” he added. “Seriously!”
“I’m trying to be serious but I’m not gonna let you talk out of turn,” Sanders responded, dismissing his question.
“These people have nothing, they come over here with nothing!” he continued.
“Some more TV time”
“Hey Brian, I know you want to get some more TV time,” Sanders interjected, “but that’s not what this is about. I want to recognize you, go ahead Jill.”
“It’s not that,” Karem objected, “it’s not about that, it’s about you not answering a question, Sarah.”
“Honestly answer the question!” he continued. “It’s a serious question! These people have nothing, they come to the border with nothing, and you throw children in cages. You’re a parent – you’re a parent of young children!”
“Don’t you have any empathy for what they go through?” he asked.
Sanders ignored the question and went on to the next reporter as Kassem turned away in disgust.
Watch the heated exchange in this CNN video:

The reporter was praised by CNN analyst Ryan Lizza for being “dramatic” and thereby forcing people to talk about the family separation policy. “He’s gotten a little criticism for being so expressive at the briefing and I think it was unfair for Sarah to say he just wanted to be on TV,” Lizza added.
President Donald Trump has defended the policy of separating families at the border who are asking for asylum by blaming the Democrats for not joining Republicans in changing immigration law to prevent such tragedies.
“Stop crossing the border illegally with children,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in defense of the policy. “Apply to enter lawfully. Wait your turn.”

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