Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Note To President Trump

The following is a note we posted on the White House website"

Please advise President Trump that one of his supporters noticed something remarkable at two Detroit Tigers games this weekend.  On Friday and Saturday I was participating in a 50/50 event to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at the game. On Friday, I was noticed that everyone stopped walking, talking and buying when the National Anthem was played. It sort of took me aback as I had never seen this happen before. So I paid special attention on Saturday and darn if it did not happen again.  No one was doing anything, everything stopped—even those walking in the concourse stopped while the Anthem played.

This can only be attributed to one thing that is different this year than years before—President Trump and his support of the Anthem and against the “spoiled babies” of the NFL.

You may not read it in the papers or hear it on radio or TV but President Trump is making Americans proud again, proud to be Americans, and proud that we have a wonderful country. Please tell the President—Keep up the good work and don’t let the bastards get you down!

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