Thursday, July 26, 2018

Russia Is Influencing Our Elections And Dems Are Falling In Line!

BUSTED! Democrats getting help from Russia in 2018 election

by Frank Holmes, reporter
The Democrats’ claims that President Donald Trump is colluding with Russia just blew up in their faces in the most embarrassing way possible.
It turns out Russian agents really are active on Twitter – but they’re busy spreading Democratic propaganda.
Russian intelligence is pushing for open borders and rallying Democratic voters.
A bipartisan watchdog group says that #abolishICE was the third or fourth most popular hashtag for Russian bots for days on end. 
The Alliance for Securing Democracy – which exists to “publicly document and expose Vladimir Putin’s ongoing efforts to subvert democracy” – says the anti-border security hashtag has been all over Twitter accounts linked to the Kremlin lately.
That’s a huge admission because the group is not exactly a Republican noise machine. In fact, its director is a well-connected Democrat. 
Laura Rosenberger was a foreign policy adviser to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016 and chief of staff to two officials in the Obama administration – but both parties have revealed that the movement to abolish ICE is part of Russia’s anti-American propaganda campaign. 

Sen. James Lankford (R – Oklahoma), who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee, unmasked the Russian bots’ border obsession last month:

But if anything, the Democrats have stepped up their efforts to erase America’s southern border. 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 28-year-old socialist running for Congress in Brooklyn, started the ball rolling by promising to “abolish ICE.” 

Democratic Party chair Tom Perez said the rabid leftist “represents the future of our party” – and the rest of the party fell in line.
Kristen Gillibrand of New York became the first senator to call for closing down ICE, saying “you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works.”
California Senator Kamala Harris (D – California) said Democrat lawmakers need to scrap ICE and “think about starting from scratch.” 
Cynthia Nixon, the “Sex and the City” actress who is running for governor of New York against Andrew Cuomo, even called ICE a “terrorist organization.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren signed on, and a handful of Congressmen even introduced a bill to close down the immigration enforcement and safety agency.
“The truth is that opposition of ICE has moved to the center of the Democratic Party itself,” Vice President Mike Pence told ICE employees.
But don’t take his word for it – Gillibrand has admitted that open borders and giving amnesty to 12.5 million illegal immigrants is the Democrats’ top priority. 
Last weekend, Gillibrand told Ozy Fest that “when we flip the House and flip the Senate” after this November’s midterm election, “I think the first thing we should do is…get rid of ICE.” 

That must have made the Moscow smile. 
“Many anti-Trump activists, who are driving the Twitter hashtag #abolishICE, have celebrated the moves by Gillibrand, Harris and others,” the Fake News media had to admit.
Now we know many of those “anti-Trump activists” are Russian agents – and Democrats are doing their bidding. 
No wonder Trump tweeted, “I’m very concerned that Russia will be fighting very hard to have an impact on the upcoming Election.” 

It makes sense that a foreign country would want ICE to close up shop. ICE protects Americans from anyone who enters the country illegally – organized crime, terrorists… and foreign spies. 
In 2016, ICE removed 2,057 known or suspected criminal gang members. 
Some of the illegals came from terrorist havens like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Libya. 
And it removed 94 people who tried to sneak into the country illegally from Russia. 

Criminal elements and terrorist sympathizers would weaken America and destroy it from within, without Russia having to fire a shot.
Former President Ronald Reagan once said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.” 
What better way for Russia to get revenge on the Gipper than to abolish ICE? 
Why should Russia fight to overthrow the United States when, with the Democrats’ help, it can vote to have it abolished?
Frank Holmes is a reporter for The Horn News. He is a veteran journalist and an outspoken conservative that talks about the news that was in his weekly article, “On The Holmes Front.”

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