Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hollywood Only Thinks About Its Maids When It Comes To Its Maids

Amber Heard Tweets About An 'ICE Checkpoint' And Accidentally Reveals Why Hollywood REALLY Cares About Illegal Immigration

What will they do without their maids?!

John Moore/Getty Images
Hollywood actress (and Johnny Depp ex-wife) Amber Heard accidentally revealed exactly what Hollywood anti-immigration activists think of the people they're "saving" when she tweeted Tuesday morning about an "ICE checkpoint" near her home in Los Angeles.
"Just heard there's an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from where I live" Heard tweeted. Everyone better give their housekeepers, nannies and landscapers a ride home tonight."
That's . . . revelatory. And not just because it's actually racist to assume all "illegal immigrants" are serving as domestics and in other unskilled jobs. It begs the question as to whom Hollywood immigration activists really believe they're protecting by showing up fashionably late to immigration protests along the California border, but early enough to get their photo taken for Instagram.
Amber Heard, at least, seems to believe that an illegal immigrant underclass exists largely to serve her A-list and B-list kind as potentially underpaid, overworked, illegally hired servants, who have no recourse to the Occupation Safety and Health Administration, or state or federal authorities, if they're mistreated or abused, lest they have to admit their lack of legal status and be deported.
Many who agree with Donald Trump on immigration understand that the whole system needs to be reformed, so that those who want to come to the United States for a better life aren't trapped in low-pay, dead-end jobs.
Heard deleted the tweet after TMZ pointed it out.
As for the "checkpoints," well, it appears that they were fictitious (and it's the Border Patrol, not ICE, that operates checkpoints, anyway).

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