Wednesday, July 4, 2018

If You Will Deceive On Your Race, You Will Do Anything

Rachel Dolezal Booked On Charges Of Welfare Fraud

"Diallo is accused of receiving more than $8,800 in food and childcare assistance illegally between August 2015 and November 2017"

The Left's rejected step-child, transracial Rachel Dolezal, the white woman claiming to be black on the inside, has now been booked for welfare fraud, charges she had been faced with back in May.
Pleading not guilty last month for first-degree welfare fraud, Dolezal has been charged with making a false verification statement and second-degree perjury.
"Diallo is accused of receiving more than $8,800 in food and childcare assistance illegally between August 2015 and November 2017," reports Fox News.
Dolezal changed her name to Nkechi Diallo in 2017 as controversy swirled around her claims of being "transracial."
Fox News continued: "The welfare fraud case started in March 2017 after a state investigator received information that Diallo had written a book --her autobiography, 'In Full Color.' The investigator reviewed Diallo's records and found that she had been reporting her income as usually less than $500 per month, court documents said."
"However, a subpoena of her bank statements and other records showed Diallo had deposited nearly $84,000 into her account from 2015-17, without reporting most of it to the state Department of Social and Health Services."
The case file states that the money came from Diallo's book sales, speaking engagements, soap making, doll making and the sale of her art.
"The Rachel Divide," a new Netflix documentary reviewed here by DWs Jacob Airey, profiles Diallo's transformation from a white girl growing up in the suburbs of Montana to her adoption of the controversial transracial identity.

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