Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Leftists Will Use Any Excuse To Slam Kavanaugh

Joy Behar Just Said The Stupidest Thing About Kavanaugh Anyone Has Yet Said

Joy Behar on
Heidi Gutman/ABC via Getty Images
On Tuesday, the great minds of The View sounded off on their legal theories regarding the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by President Trump. Joy Behar, that paradigm of dignity and jurisprudential expertise, explained that Kavanaugh “might just be a quieter version of Judge Jeanine.”
This makes perfectly sense if you were dropped on the head repeatedly as a child, smoked extraordinarily strong strains of marijuana for your entire teenage life, or underwent a voluntary frontal lobotomy.
But Behar wasn’t done. She explained that Trump shouldn’t be able to appoint a justice at all because he’s under investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller (he isn’t). Behar stated, “Why would a president who’s under investigation by the FBI for obstruction of justice and collusion be allowed to pick a Supreme Court justice who will be there? I’ll be dead. There are many people in this room who will still be alive and need abortions … and need health care. How dare he be allowed to do this when he is under investigation!”
In reality, of course, any Republican pick would have met with the same line from Behar; the Left sees abortion as a sacrament, despite the ubiquitous availability of contraception of all sorts. And the Left’s fear that Kavanaugh, of all people, will threaten Roe v. Wade is wildly overwrought: it’s far more likely that Kavanaugh gradually diminishes the “undue burden” test under Planned Parenthood v. Casey.
The utter panic the Left is undergoing over Kavanaugh demonstrates their view that the Supreme Court ought to be the creator and protector of phantom rights having nothing to do with the Constitution — and that people should not be able to vote on matters of public concern, including the mass killing of the unborn. But don’t worry: they’re not extremists. The only extremists are career lawyers and judges like Harvard Law graduate Brett Kavanaugh, whom we can assume is just like Judge Jeanine Pirro, since English education graduate student Joy Behar’s legal analysis has rarely disappointed.

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