Friday, August 17, 2018

Brennan Is Bad News And Everyone Knows It

Army General Drops BOMBSHELL 

About Trump Overthrow

  • 08/16/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
68 47 9  320
Army General Drops BOMBSHELL About Trump Overthrow

An Army Brigadier General dropped a bombshell about John Brennan while
 appearing on Fox News. The general called Brennan a 'clear and present 
danger' who wants to overthrow the president and is a communist.

According to Town Hall:
President Trump stripped former CIA Director John Brennan of his security

clearance this week. He received his share of criticism for the decision,

including from some Republican lawmakers. Others, like U.S. Army


Gen. Anthony Tata (Ret.), believes it was the right call. In the vein of Trump,

he even gave Brennan a nickname:  "Communist John Brennan," in reference

to his once voting for a Communist Party candidate.

"I think that John Brennan is a clear and present danger and a threat to this

nation," Tata said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday. "He supports the overthrow

of this particular president, and he needed to have his access to information


Tata listed several apparent stains on Brennan's record, including his

overseeing the Iran Deal, his "manipulating" ISIS intelligence for President

Obama, and his "secret meetings" with Russia. Furthermore, Tata said,

Brennan gave Harry Reid part of the infamous Trump dossier and he "spied

on American citizens and lied to Congress about it."

Brennan's relationship with the Trump White House soured a long time ago.

Trump has often questioned the intelligence community's integrity and for the

last several months Brennan has used Twitter as a vehicle to hit back at the

president. In his most recent messages, Brennan has accused the president of

enforcing "short-sighted" policies, insisted he is no role model for children, and

said that Trump has "failed to live up to minimum standards of decency." 
These are some powerful claims from the Army General and shows just how 
pervasive the effort is to take down President Trump.


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