Friday, August 17, 2018

The Corrupt FBI And Justice Leadership Illustrates Why They Will Not Cooperate With Congressional Subponeas

Comey BOMBSHELL slams Mueller investigation (they’re afraid!)

by Stephen Dietrich, Associate Publisher
Newly discovered notes regarding ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the foreign operative behind the debunked dossier on then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, have opened up another round of serious questions about special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.
For years, Trump has called the special counsel investigation a partisan “witch hunt” — and when the president fired former FBI Director James Comey, new information has revealed 
Steele allegedly said this to former Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr, once the fourth highest ranking member of the DOJ under former President Barack Obama, who recorded the conversation in his personal notes.
Investigative journalist Sara Carter first revealed that Ohr was Steele’s point-of-contact within the DOJ after he was dropped as an FBI source for leaking information to the mainstream media.
“In one of Ohr’s handwritten notes listed as ‘Law enforcement Sensitive’ from May 10, 2017, he writes ‘Call with Chris,’ referencing Steele. He notes that Steele is ‘very concerned about Comey’s firing, afraid they will be exposed.’ This call occurred months after FBI Director James Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee and revealed for the first time that the FBI had an open counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign and alleged collusion with Russia,” Carter reported on her blog.
That wasn’t the only panicked message Steele reportedly sent Ohr about their work during the election.

According to Carter, Steele was also reportedly very concerned over a letter sent from the Senate Judiciary Committee that demanded Comey reveal details about his work with Steele during the 2016 presidential campaign during a scheduled appearance before congressional investigators.
Steele reportedly texted Ohr on Mar. 18, 2017: ““Hi! Just wondering if you had any news? Obviously, we’re a bit apprehensive given scheduled appearance at Congress on Monday. Hoping that important firewalls will hold. Many thanks.”
“Sorry, no new news. I believe my earlier information is still accurate. I will let you know immediately if there is any change,” Ohr replied. What “earlier information” Ohr is referring to remains a mystery, but the exchange has certainly raised eyebrows.
According to Carter, the text messages have insiders asking, “What did Steele mean by important firewalls before Comey testimony? And what did Ohr mean by earlier information he provided?”

“Ohr had a conflict of interest during the presidential campaign and transition, congressional investigators say, because his wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS. Steele, an ex-British spy, was a key source cited by the FBI and Department of Justice to obtain a FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] warrant to monitor [Trump aide Carter Page],” Fox News reported Friday.

Ohr was demoted twice by the Department of Justice for failing to disclose his wife’s role in Fusion GPS — the firm behind the debunked Steele dossier — as a conflict of interest in the ongoing investigation. Fusion GPS was being paid by Russian interests for a different project at the time.
The House Judiciary Committee is expected to question Ohr on Aug. 28 in a closed-door deposition.
— Stephen Dietrich is the Associate Publisher of The Horn News

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