Monday, October 8, 2018

This Is Only The Beginning!!

Parents Deploy Their Own Brand of Justice After ‘Mean Girls’ Falsely Accuse Their Son of Sexual Assault

There is a reason so many American families supported Justice Brett Kavanaugh’snomination to the Supreme Court, despite the left’s best attempts to derail it.
Liberals didn’t take into account two things when they orchestrated a campaign to falsely accuse the judicial nominee of sexual assault.
The first is that there would be a majority of Americans across the country who care deeply about the justice of presumed innocence over presumed guilt; the other is that not all women who make accusations of sexual assault are telling the truth.
For those of us who are parents of daughters, our concerns are for their safety and protection, of course.
For those of us who are parents of sons, our concerns are for their safety and protection, of course.
TRENDING: Gasbag: GOP Opponent Uses Kavanaugh Footage To Bury Senator Whitehouse
The latter is the focus of another drama that is playing out in Zelienople, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles north of Pittsburgh. And it might also be the outcome all parents of sons feared would escalate if Democrats succeeded in undoing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.
According to WPXI News in Pittsburgh, Michael J. and Alecia Flood, the parents of a high school-aged boy identified only as T.F., filed a civil lawsuit on Monday in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh against the Seneca Valley School District in Butler County, District Attorney Richard Goldinger, and the parents of five teenage “mean girls” who falsely accused the boy of sexual assault.
The suit alleges “that school officials and Goldinger’s office didn’t take any action against the girls even after learning their accusations were false,” according to WPXI News.

Are these parents making the right move by suing their son's accusers?

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0% (23 Votes)
The parents who filed the suit say the “mean girls” conspired to falsely accuse their son of sexual assault which resulted in several unfair consequences.
WPXI reported the girls “conspired in person and via electronic communication devices to falsely accuse T.F. of sexual assault on two occasions.”
WXPI also reported that T.F. was fired from his job at the Zelienople Community Pool where he was employed at the time of the allegations and “…forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, loss of his liberty, and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false.”
Breitbart also reported: “The suit also alleges that the boy was subjected to months of bullying from other kids at school.”
Penn Live reported one example of bullying listed in the suit the boy suffered: “The lawsuit said students last year placed masking tape with the word ‘PREDATOR’ written on it on his back without his knowledge during choir practice.”
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In the original 27-page complaint filed against T.F., the teen girls accused him of two different instances of sexual assault – one at the Zelienople Community Pool and another at a private home.
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette quoted the Floods’ attorney Craig Fishman on Thursday as saying, “The system right now is biased against men.”
As a father of two adult daughters, according to the newspaper, Fishman said he supported the advancement of the #MeToo movement, but said in this case, things had gone too far.
“They discriminated against the boy based solely on his gender,” Fishman told the Post-Gazette.
And isn’t that what is going through the minds of many parents of boys?
If they could take down a highly qualified Supreme Court nominee with mere accusationsthat had no basis in physical evidence or fact, it would certainly be a cake walk to ruin lives with false accusations against boys, men across the country. What a frightening possibility.
The left went too far in believing it could rally in the court of public opinion the advancement of an agenda that collapses the constitutional principles and the presumption of innocence.
Let’s hope justice prevails in Pennsylvania.

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