Sunday, October 7, 2018

More Corruption!

FBI bombshell rocks Mueller probe (wow!)

by Walter W. Murray, reporter
An explosive new report exposes the ugly truth about the FBI’s 2016 investigation into and surveillance of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
It wasn’t based on independent facts and discoveries, as the agency and its defenders have claimed.

It was an ugly, partisan attack on a presidential candidate carried out by a Justice Department under the watch of President Barack Obama.
The Hill’s John Solomon reported that Congressional investigators have confirmed that former FBI general counsel James Baker met with at least one representative of the Democrat-linked Perkins Coie law firm in the closing months of the 2016 election cycle.
“This is a bombshell that unequivocally shows the real collusion was between the FBI and Donald Trump’s opposition — the DNC, Hillary and a Trump-hating British intel officer — to hijack the election, rather than some conspiracy between Putin and Trump,” a source told Solomon.
Perkins Coie received $5.6 million in legal fees from the campaign of Hillary Clinton from June 2015 through December 2016. The firm also collected $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting” since from 2015-2017 from the Democratic National Committee, according to The Washington Post.

Already, a top FBI agent meeting with a representative of a partisan law firm during a heated political campaign raises warning bells.
But that’s not the only shady part of this.
This is the same law firm that paid Fusion GPS for the infamous and unverified “dossier” compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.
That’s the politically motivated and highly partisan “research” that alleges close ties between Trump and Russia as well as Moscow’s supposed attempts to swing the election in his favor.

The FBI has claimed it didn’t use the dossier as its basis for spying on the Trump campaign, but critics say it was a key piece of evidence for obtaining a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to do just that.
And who knows what else they got from the political hacks of the Democrat party.
Indeed, Solomon’s source said that the law farm rep gave the FBI a thumbdrive containing documents “related to Russian interference in the election, hacking and possible Trump connections.”
That, in turn, could be proof the FBI was used by Democrats as a political tool in an attempt to hijack the election.

That would be the same FBI overseen by James Comey, who cleared Hillary Clinton despite serious questions about her emails and other scandals.
That’s the same FBI overseen by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who was busted holding a secret meeting with Bill Clinton while the investigation into the former president’s wife was ongoing.
And that’s the same FBI ultimately overseen by Obama himself.
The shock confirms the worst fears of longtime political observers.

“The FBI knew, folks,” Kimberley Strassel ‏of The Wall Street Journal wrote on Twitter. “It knew this was partisan research. And it went ahead anyway.”
Donald Trump Jr. tweeted that he wasn’t surprised:
“So now we’ve got confirmation that the Democrat National Committee lawyers were in on the smear of Trump by talking with FBI officials as they hatched their plan to go get a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page,” said Rush Limbaugh. “I mean, surveilling Carter Page means surveilling the Trump campaign.”
That appears to be exactly what happened, and one lawmaker hinted that there’s a bigger bombshell still to come… one that could confirm Trump’s widely mocked wiretapping claims after all.

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chair of the House Freedom Caucus, told The Hill’s morning show “Rising” that the FBI under Obama may have recorded the Trump campaign.
“There’s a strong suggestion that confidential human sources actually taped members within the Trump campaign,” Meadows said.
Now that’s the real scandal.
When will the Democrats demand an investigation of that?
— Walter W. Murray is a reporter for The Horn News. He is an outspoken conservative and a survival expert, and is the author of “America’s Final Warning.

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