Saturday, October 6, 2018

We Wrote This 5 Years Ago--Guess We Got It Right!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Only 19% of Uninsured Will Buy Insurance

If only a small number of currently uninsured Americans are planning to buy insurance under Obamacrapcare, is the program in trouble? It could be. However, we have not seen the media blitz the Administration will run to help promote the garbage.  (Of course, we are paying for the ads also!)  

If the results are even twice as successful (38% of uninsured buy) the program still will be a failure. Of course, that was and still is the desire of Obama and his henchmen. They will never admit it, however, it only takes a very cursory view of the plan to see that it was meant to fail as a way to get nationalized health care.  When the uninsured don't purchase, when employers drop their coverage and have their employees dropped on the exchanges and when premiums still go up by double digits, Obama and his people will all hit the news shows and say "this is not working, the government must take over health care "to save it."  (Heard that before?

This is what is going to happen. You can make book on it.

Conservative Tom

Two-Thirds of Uninsured Not Sure They'll Buy Insurance Under Obamacare

Monday, 03 Jun 2013 06:12 PM
By Greg Richter
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Two-thirds of Americans currently without health insurance are uncertain they'll buy insurance under Obamacare once it is fully implemented in 2014.

And if they don't, the Affordable Care Act could face trouble, CNBC reports. There are penalties for not purchasing health insurance under the law that takes effect Jan. 1, but in the first year, those penalties are much smaller than the cheapest health coverage plans.

If too few people who are currently uninsured sign up it could raise costs for everyone else, said Laura Adams of, which commissioned the poll.

In the survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, 64 percent of the uninsured say they have not made up their minds whether they will buy health insurance by the Jan. 1, 2014 deadline. Ten percent say they definitely will not buy insurance, opting to pay the fine instead. Only 19 percent told pollsters they intended to comply with the law and buy health insurance.

"Many people are taking a wait-and-see attitude," said Amy Bach, executive director of the insurance consumer advocacy group United Policyholders. "People are still in the dark about what their options are going to be — and they're skeptical that the penalty for not buying insurance is going to be enforced, at least in the first couple of years."

In Obamacare's first year, the fine is $95 per adult or one percent of income, whichever is highest. The penalty is half the adult amount for children under 18.

The penalty goes up every year, landing at $695 or 2.5 percent of household income in 2016.

Fewer than half of those surveyed believe they'll get better health care under Obamacare. Almost half think it will be harder to get tests and procedures performed in a timely matter.

Although the law allows for tax credits to help pay for insurance coverage for those with low incomes, 68 percent believe they won't qualify.

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