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Friday, August 6, 2021

Vaccinated Or Jail? Is That Where We Are Today?


Watch: Americans Joyfully Sign Petition to Arrest and Jail the Unvaccinated

Is there any hope at all for America’s future?

Don’t expect to feel inspired after watching the latest man-on-the-street video by conservative social media commentator and YouTube star Mark Dice.

Dice interviewed scores of people in Southern California while holding a fake petition and asked questions such as, “Do you think people who refuse to take a COVID vaccine should be arrested?”

An alarming number of those he interviewed in San Diego signed a petition they thought might lead to jail for those who haven’t been vaccinated. Some of them even agreed with Dice’s obviously satirical statements challenging one’s rights to medical choice and body autonomy.

“I don’t wanna hear any of this ‘My body, may choice’ stuff in today’s new world order. We’re going to put things right,” Dice said to a man who was unaware of his sarcasm and his twisting of the left’s common language on abortion.

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The man agreed with it, saying, “I feel you.”

“So, we’re going to start having them arrested if they refuse,” Dice said to another woman.

Her response? “I agree,” she said.

When encountering one couple, Dice managed to keep a straight face when he said, “Some people are concerned about any possible long-term side effects that haven’t shown up in [vaccine] studies yet. But the time to worry about that is in the future. So, for now, they can worry about that in jail if they refuse to take the vaccine.”

“It’s time for some firm measures to take care of these people,” he added.

Dice could barely finish those sentences, as one of the people he spoke to interrupted, and at one point said, “I just can’t believe [the unvaccinated] don’t get it.”

On the subject of vaccine passports, Dice corraled one woman into admitting that she hopes to see people who refuse the shots exiled from stores and thrown in jail. The woman signed his petition with excitement.

There were a few bright spots in Dice’s video, as some people were revolted by the idea of seeing others locked up for not taking the vaccine. Dice was called a “scumbag” by one person, while another refrained from signing the phony petition.

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But too many people on the streets of San Diego were all too happy to think they were helping to contribute to creating a system of jails or camps for those among us who believe in choice. Sadly, those people are not outliers.

It’s feeling more and more as though the federal government, academia, corporate America and sports and entertainment share the same views as those lost souls in this video.

We’re living in two distinct Americas right now, which you know if you have been paying attention. Dice is just showing us how far the divide has grown.

Is Fauci The US Version Of Dr. Mengele?


Report: Fauci Oversaw Dangerous, Torturous Experiments On Dogs

by Steve Watson
"Fauci is increasingly becoming Dr. Evil. Over and over again"
Image Credit:
Yves Forestier / Contributor / Sarah Silbiger-Pool/Getty Images
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In addition to overseeing funding of gain of function coronavirus experiments in Wuhan, and then lying about it, it has now emerged that Dr Fauci was in charge of funding horrid experimental research on dogs, including purposefully infecting the animals with parasites known to be contagious to humans.

The report from the White Coat Waste Project draws on information gleaned from a FOIA request which revealed that $400,000 was pumped into National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Disease experiments to infect beagles with parasites from biting flies.

The report outlines how the dogs “endured months of pain, and once researchers were done with them, they were killed.”

The NIAID task order states that “28 beagles were to be allowed to develop infections for three months before being euthanized for blood collection.”

The records obtained under the FOIA request show the dogs “vocalized pain” during the experiments.

Torturing and killing dogs, the most loving and innocent creatures on Earth, with deadly parasites that are also extremely dangerous to people.

Can this guy get any more evil?

What’s next? Funding for research on what temperature it is best to roast new born babies?

Breaking down the report, Fox News host Ben Domenech noted that “If Dr. Anthony Fauci thought Rand Paul was mad at him, wait until the animal activists see this.”

As noted by Justin Goodman, one of the authors of the report, experimental and cruel research on dogs was ended a long time ago by the EPA and other agencies, because there’s very little of use to us that can be gleaned scientifically from it, yet Fauci’s agency continued with it nonetheless.

Host Lara Logan chimed in, commenting “How could you not love dogs? This has to be something that people everywhere are united on,” adding “In fact, they’re supposed to be far fewer experiments on animals, particularly dogs, because so many people are really just horrified by it. There’s ethical considerations, moral considerations and of course, there’s the practical considerations.”

“We know these things happen, but should they be happening with taxpayer money? Dr. Fauci is increasingly becoming Dr. Evil. Over and over again, the decisions that he made that have just destroyed millions of lives all over the world are becoming more apparent by day,” Logan added.

Logan further pointed out “We still don’t know so much about what he’s doing. We don’t know what they’re doing at the NIH with animals. We don’t know what research they’re funding with gain of function.”

Fox News states that unsurprisingly neither Fauci nor the NIH has responded to requests for information on this matter.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Is This The New Way To Control Us?


Now They Love The Cops?


Its Time To Start Calling It Like It Is


If This Bill Passes, The Time When You Could Drive Your Car Anywhere Or Anytime Will Be Over


Hidden on Page 508 of the Infrastructure Bill Is a Plan to Make It Too Expensive to Drive a Car

The cost of living is on the rise, calls for yet another wave of pandemic restrictions have begun and now, buried deep in the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, the left has laid out yet another idea to bring Americans to their knees.

Make no mistake: The suffering is intentional, goal-oriented and not bound to stop anytime soon.

Still, one proposal in the 2,702 page infrastructure bill seems especially cruel — cruel enough to make it too expensive for many Americans to even drive a car.

Nick Short of the Claremont Institute highlighted an item on Pages 508-519 of the bill that would introduce a national per-mile motor vehicle user fee on a trial basis.

“Buried on page 508 of the 2,702 page infrastructure bill is a pilot program for a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee (MBUF) which is basically a long-term plan to make it too expensive to drive a car,” Short said Tuesday on Twitter.

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The pilot program is set up “to test the design, acceptance, implementation, and financial sustainability of a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee, to address the need for additional revenue for surface transportation infrastructure and a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee” and “to provide recommendations relating to the adoption and implementation of a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee,” the bill says.

An article from The Lid Blog attached to Short’s tweet detailed the proposal even further, breaking down each component, from the program’s objectives to its proposal that “volunteers” from each state should discover different ways to collect data on miles driven by “both commercial and private vehicle operators.”

Do you support a per-mile motor vehicle user fee?
Yes: 0% (28 Votes)
No: 100% (5845 Votes)

On Page 513, the proposal says that the “Secretary of the Treasury shall establish, on an annual basis, per-mile user fees for passenger motor vehicles, light trucks, and medium- and heavy-duty trucks.”

In theory, these per-mile user fees would vary by vehicle contingent upon several factors, including — you guessed it — environmental impact.

To ease any apprehension about participating in the pilot program, the measure indicates that participants’ identities will be protected, perhaps, as The Lid said, to prevent ostracization “if this happens and achieves the desired result.”

The left can chalk up this test run of what eventually might turn into a full-blown measure to make owning a vehicle next-to-impossible as an effort to be “environmentally conscious,” but is it instead another way to cripple our existing ways of life?

We might dismiss it now, but imagine telling yourself five years ago that the government would order small business closures, codify when and how Americans could worship and adopt an increasingly draconian “do as I say, not as I do” policy to address a global pandemic.

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From the way we work to the way we breathe, so many aspects of our lives have already changed — albeit willingly, for some.

What’s so different about changing how we get to one place from another?

With $10 million dedicated to this program for each year from 2022 to 2026, it’s easy to see how the government doles out what it acquires from hardworking Americans.

Any Republican lawmakers who vote in favor of this “bipartisan” bill have no right to label themselves “conservative.”

This proposal is the antithesis of conservatism.