Tehran has been on the march to become a nuclear power for some time. Some might disagree with that assessment, however, recent discoveries have made it clear that the atom program they are pursuing is not for peaceful uses. Could anyone expect anything different from the government that promises to destroy Israel?
The major question that results from Iran's attempt to become nuclear is, what can the major world powers do before they achieve their goal and what must happen if they do join the club? Are world powers ready to make pre-emptive strikes on the facility? Who would take these actions? Would the UN be involved? If the plant became active, what would the world do?
There are many opinions, however, we feel that Iran will join the world nuclear club and will attempt to use one against Israel. Only when there is an actual weapon that has been created and is ready to launch will the world get their act together and strike. Until that time they will dither around discussing various "sanctions" which could be brought against Tehran. We feel that many world leaders do not believe the Iranians really want a weapon. They will say "who would want to destroy their neighbor?" Obviously, they have not listened to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad!
Some people assume that Israel will strike first before the weapon becomes operational. We believe that Washington will restrain an Israeli attack on Iran. A pre-emptive strike (without evidence and without Washington approval) by Israel would further harm or might even sever relations between the two countries which already are strained. Only uuntil Israel can provide proof that the missile is ready to fire, will Washington authorize a strike to take it out.
We hope that the evidence becomes clear, that world leaders get off their duffs, and appropriate actions are taken to de-nuke Iran. Time will tell.
Here is the latest:
Israel uncovers Tehran's nuclear 'smoking gun'
Uzi Mahnaimi - The Sunday Times, November 6th, 2011Israeli sources say their latest evidence amounts to “a smoking gun” that Iran’s nuclear programme is designed to produce weapons rather than for civil purposes, as Tehran claims. The report will be published after a week in which there have been repeated signs that Israel is considering a strike against Iran’s nuclear complexes.
The report is expected to signal a change in attitude by the IAEA, an independent body charged with monitoring nuclear programmes and preventing proliferation that reports to the United Nations.
The Israelis believe that existing sanctions have been insufficient to deter Tehran’s nuclear ambitions. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the destruction of Israel.
Shimon Peres, the president of Israel, usually regarded as a dove, said in an interview on Friday the international community was moving closer to pursuing a military solution to the stand-off. World leaders need to “fulfil their promises” to stop Iran “whatever it takes”, he said.
Dan Meridor, the Israeli deputy prime minister and intelligence minister, is said to have passed the latest information to Yukiya Amano, the chief of the IAEA.
“We doubt whether the IAEA will categorically declare that Iran is on the verge of turning into a nuclear power, but at least we hope that our information will be included in a classified appendix to the report,” said the Israeli source.
Israel hopes the report may persuade Russia and China who oppose tougher sanctions, to change their minds.
In the past week Israel has test launched a nuclear-capable Jericho 3 missile, which can reach Iran, and carried out several other military exercises, fuelling speculation that Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, is pressing his military for a decision about when and how to strike Iran.
Such a strike, say Israeli sources, would have to involve air, sea and even land forces on a devastating scale as there would be the opportunity for only one “hit”. Even so, there is fear of retaliation by Iran’s conventional, long-range Shihab missiles.
Sources close to the IAEA have said the report will point to aspects of Iran’s nuclear programme that would make little sense unless weapons were being developed.
President Barack Obama, has said that America and its allies would maintain “unprecedented pressure” on Tehran to prevent it acquiring weapons. President Nicolas Sarkozy said before last week’s G20 summit that France would not stand idly by if Israel’s existence were threatened.
Since the departure of the previous head of the IAEA, Mohamed El-Baradei, the institution is said to have collected intelligence from agencies including the US British, Israeli, German and French services.
“It’s obvious the IAEA has no capability to challenge the cunning way the Iranians are concealing their nuclear programme without the help of western intelligence services,” said an Israeli source.
As I read your post (and listen to the news related to this topic) I can't help but think of certain Biblical scriptures, two such scriptures are:
ReplyDelete2 Thessalonians 2:11, "For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie"
Romans 1:28, "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done."
I realize not everyone is Christian so they will not like/agree with these scriptures, however they are my reference point when I view current events.
Everyone forms opinions based off personal beliefs, a Christian perspective happens to be mine.
Here is the report….
See paragraph #33, page 7. What the heck is this "clandestine nuclear supply network"? Is this code for Russia? Or China? See, that is the problem. The Russians and Chinese won't support the U.S. in any further sanctions on Iran, such as an oil boycott. Russia is warning Israel that any attack on Iran would be a violation of international law. I don't think the Russians would get into it militarily, but I don't want to find out.
Only a suicidal maniac in Israel or Iran would drop a nuclear bomb except in retaliation. Please, no more preemptive wars based on "slam dunk" so-called "intelligence" of WMD. Been there. Done that. Vote Ron Paul.