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Monday, March 5, 2012

Is Limbaugh's Word Mistake The End of His Career?

If you listen to the left wing blogosphere and talking heads,  you would think that the best thing Rush could expect would be a tar feathering and a ride out of town on a rail!  But hold on a minute, before we condemn him forever as a result of a two minute rant for which he has already apologized, we think there are other factors to be heard here.

This "holier than thou" attitude expressed by the left is a bit cynical especially when it is measured against some other talkers.  A couple examples will suffice. Ed Shultz called Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" and Bill Maher (who recently gave the Obama campaign $1,000,000) called Sarah Palin a "dumb twat."  Where are these holy rollers when it comes to those on the left?  I guess it is OK to call someone a name if you agree with them! 

Rush admitted he made a mistake of going to their level and that he did not think of Sandra Fluke in the way he had expressed. We accept his apology even though she does not!

We find the disingenuousness of this entire episode very unsettling.  Rush has spent 15 hours a week talking about the issues of the day for 20 plus years and now over a two minute rant, for which he apologized, they want him removed from the air. Whether you agree with his politics or not, that is wrong. It is especially egregious when you see the same things being said about conservatives and there is no outcry.

Just listen to a "progressive" station and what you will hear, would make Rush's statements sound like a Sunday School class. The left is not pure when it comes to inaccurate assessments as we pointed out earlier. As an example, we have included an article which illustrates some of the love the Left wants to show Rush.

We believe that In response to a boycott by several advertisers,  it is time for a reverse boycott. Any company which pulls its ads from Rush's program will get an email or phone call from us. We should tell them that we will not purchase any of their products until they start adverting again. Conservatives buy goods otherwise these companies would not have been purchasing time, so it will get their attention if we conservatives withdraw our support from them. Are you with us?

Conservative Tom

March 5, 2012 2:49pm13 Comments

byCharlie Spiering Commentary Staff Writer

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Furious Democrat activists are working to silence Rush Limbaugh for good, calling on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to pull his radio show off the air.

An activist on is collecting signatures in support of a petition to FCC to, "remove Mr. Limbaugh from the radio as he has violated FCC rules and regulations countless times. The most recent incident being his assault on women and his degradation of Sandra Fluke." The petition is circulating on Facebook and Twitter and on Democrat message boards. is an online service provided by and has already gathered over 6,000 supporters. The petition organizer, "T. Turner," has promised to print off and send the petition to the FCC on March 7th, and is looking to get over 10,000 signatures.

The petition currently hosts thousands of angry comments - riddled with spelling errors - including people who insist that Limbaugh no longer has the right to free speech.
A small sample of them below:
"This freak is totally offensive!!! Get him off the air!!!" - Susan E. Sunday of Rockford, IL

"Remove this vile misogynistic life form. My mother is not a slut and I do not feel she should have to send in sex recordings of herself to limbaugh and his insane following.. The fcc is responsible for this dispicable fool." - Wayne Perkins, Durham, ME
"Surely Mr. Limbaugh's indecency merits being permanently banned from the airwaves you lease on my behalf. I have two daughters, one at college. This pill popping Viagra taking hypocrite needs to be made an example of in all our interests." - Darius Fisher Topanga, CA

"He has put back the Women's causes back to the "60's. He is a bigot and a very hateful instagator. He has spouted out his disgusting thoughts long enough. Silence him!!!" Pam Rosas, Omaha, NE
The lies and hate of a hypocritical drug addict are NOT in the public interest and are counter to the United States Constitution. He should be banned from the privilege of using the airwaves. - Kenneth MacCaskie, Minneapolis, MN
"The lies and hate of a hypocritical drug addict are NOT in the public interest and are counter to the United States Constitution. He should be banned from the privilege of using the airwaves." - Kenneth MacCaskie, Minneapolis, MN
"The only things good about Limbaugh and Beck types is that they DO speak for GOP so people can HEAR what GOP is really about--- they put the TRUE face of the EVIL that has become the NEW GOP out there so people can RUN from it." - Ron l and Sherry L Meeks, Charlotte, NC.
"Toxic hate talk has no place in our democracy. If the marketplace can't remove Rush, the people will." - Susan M. Williams, Las Vegas, NV
"What good are rules and boundaries if they are not enforced? Limbaugh's comments were /are as obscence and profane as they come. Please take this opportunity to finally stop hate radio. Remove his show from the airways." - Mary C. Dollinger Hazelwood, MO
"Rush Limbaugh is Anti-American and uses abusive speech. We do not need people like him on our airwaves with racist and indecent comments against innocent people. His language is incendiary! Take him OFF our airwaves ASAP!"
Joyce M. Jeffries, Bedford, IN

"Enough with the special favors for this drug addict who continues to collect millions. Anyone else would have been removed from the airwaves. Why does the almighty revenue dollar always trump the laws in this country? Time to follow the laws instead of the dollar!" Maribeth Newell, Downers Grove, IL
"His behavior is disgraceful. Anyone, no matter their politics, should be removed from the airwaves if say such things." - Christopher Ward, Stamford, CT
"Please have this person removed over FCC regulations that Rush Limbaugh breaks every day. IT is time to bring the radio back to a decent time in history." - Cheri Rider, Ormond Beach, FL

1 comment:

  1. I agree he chose his words poorly. But I am inclined to boycott these advertisers for biting the hand that feeds. My company only uses a few of these products at a corporate level, but I'll tell you that we will probably switch to the competition over the next quarter. An appology should be enough, and I fear this was a knee jerk reaction for these advirtisers.


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