Sandra Fluke's parents must really be proud. She testifies in front of Congress, forces Conservatives to apologize and then flies off to Europe with her boyfriend, all the while claiming she is living in poverty and cannot afford the $1000 per year that she needs for contraceptives. Her parents must be beaming.
However, when her chickens come home to roost, it will not be a pretty scene. How can one make statements in front of Congress, plead that you have no money and then go on a trip overseas? This is obviously a very devious person, agenda motivated and one who believes that anything is OK, as long as the outcome is what you want.
We do not believe that this type of person should be an attorney nor should she be held up as an example. She should be held up to ridicule and should never be allowed to become an attorney. She obviously is not impoverished as she can afford a very expensive law school and can take a trip abroad. In other words, she lied in front of Congress. That alone should disqualify her.
If she is able to become an attorney she will feel she can mislead, lie to, and present false information to anyone who opposes her. Is that the type of lawyer that we should be confirming? We do not think so.
What is your opinion?
Conservative Tom
Sex in Spain and Italy on a Budget
March 15, 2012 · By Bob Ellis · 1 Comments
You may recall that she went before congress a few weeks ago to testify that she was having so much sex that she needed $1,000 a year to pay for the contraceptives necessary to prevent the natural outcome of sexual intercourse. Being a law student at one of the nation’s most prestigious (if not expensive) universities left her and her fellow female law students with little or no cash to purchase contraceptives, we were told.
It was therefore necessary to quash the religious freedom of others using government coercion to force them to provide the contraceptives she and her fellow law school students could not afford–even though several investigative reports found that such contraceptives could be obtained for less than $10 a month within 3 miles or less of Georgetown University.
But now we learn that this deprived law school student is now off in Spain and Italy with her boyfriend (is she struggling to pay for contraceptives there, or do their socialist governments provide contraceptives to impoverished tourists?), doing things most working Americans (who pay for many of the things she wants to suck through the teat of government largess) can only dream of.
In reality, we once again see that we have been fed a line of bull by a Leftist who wants to force others to provide for them what they should (and could) be providing for themselves.
In fact, she could have a little charity (as her independent, non-government-teat-sucking forefathers had) and pay for the contraceptives of another or two of her “needy” fellow Georgetown University law students.
But no: it’s easier to trample someone else’s freedom than to provide for yourself or help your needy friends
ReplyDeleteHere is what she actually said in her testimony...
“And especially in the last week, I have heard more and more of their stories. On a daily basis, I hear yet from another woman from Georgetown or from another school or who works for a religiously-affiliated employer, and they tell me that they have suffered financially and emotionally and medically because of this lack of coverage. “And so, I’m here today to share their voices, and I want to thank you for allowing them – not me – to be heard. “Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. 40% of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggle financially as a result of this policy."
My reading of this is that she is speaking about other students -- not herself -- having difficulty affording contraceptives, adding "I want to thank you for allowing them – not me – to be heard."
However, my investigation indicates that she is overstating the costs of contraceptives. Women can buy them for $15-50 per month. Most law school students could easily afford that (she says 60%), but there are many poor women who cannot.
David, she is lying pond scum (is that going to get protests?) anyone who is aware, like you, realize the costs she quoted were ridiculous and meant to be outrageous. She also could have gone down to Planned Parenthood and gotten all the contraceptives she wanted for free or nearly free.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what "public interest scholarship" she might be on?
Does anyone know?
To answer your question, here is the statement about the public interest scholarships at Georgetown university....
Future lawyers for Goldman Sachs need not apply;