Maureen Dowd Just Proved Every Single Conservative Point For Me
My new book “The Murder of the Middle Class” comes out next week. So it was a shock to see that Maureen Dowd must have been reading an advance copy. After all, she made every point in my book about “the murder of the middle class.” She simply forgot to point out who the perpetrator is.
Nonetheless, thank you, Ms. Dowd. You just accomplished something those of us on the right have warned about for decades. Pay attention, America. It’s now fact: Dowd just made our case.
She proved in her July 4 column in The New York Times that liberals are fools… and delusional. Even more importantly, Dowd proved that liberals are dangerous to America’s survival.
Dowd’s column was a masterpiece of liberal thought. It should be framed on every sane American’s wall and included in every U.S. history book for the rest of time. It should serve as a warning of what happens when liberals are in charge. Even Dowd, the queen of liberalism, openly admitted that America has gone to hell.
Imagine buying a beautiful home, in a wonderful, safe neighborhood, with great schools. Then, through a combination of incompetence, ignorance, arrogance and purposeful intent, that home becomes a garbage-ridden, graffiti-covered crack house. In short order, the entire neighborhood goes to hell. The good people escape. Drug dealers and welfare addicts move in. The streets become dangerous. The schools become cesspools of crime, drugs, gangs, and teen pregnancy. Then the landlord, who allowed this to happen (by being the worst homeowner on the planet) has the nerve to complain about how the neighborhood has gone downhill. Can you imagine the nerve?
Well that was Dowd’s New York Times column on July 4. Dowd admits America has become a disaster, a country in shambles, a country in decline. She says we are “scared of our own shadow.” Collapsing. Crumbling. Defeated. We’ve lost our confidence. We’ve lost our swagger. No more hope about the future. A country no longer “exceptional.”
This is the picture she paints, not me.
Bravo, Maureen. It’s all true.
CHICAGO, IL – MAY 29: U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee at the Chicago Hilton on May 29, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. Obama is helping to raise money for U.S. House Democrats heading into the 2014 midterm elections. Credit: Getty Images
It just happens to be the exact same picture we conservatives have been warning about and predicting since President Barack Obama took office. This from a woman who undoubtedly has Obama ornaments hanging from her Christmas tree and probably keeps a shrine to him in her home. This from a woman who writes for The New York Times, the official propaganda outlet of the Obama dictatorship.
Even that woman recognizes what America has become under Obama: a disaster. A crumbling, mumbling shadow of its former self. Obama has done exactly what he promised. He’s fundamentally changed America.
Dowd asks, “…are we losers who have soured our DNA?” She worries if we’re “forever smaller, stingier, dumber, less ambitious, more cynical. Have we lost control of our not-so-manifest destiny?” Yes, Maureen, some of us are dumber.
Dowd supported Obama through thick and thin. She campaigned for him. She defended his every socialist policy – the same socialist, big government policies that turned Detroit into a third-world hellhole in the middle of America. The same socialist policies that destroyed the economies of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and even France (where the Labour Minister last year admitted“France is totally bankrupt”).
These places are all run with the same exact policies that Obama has implemented in America. Dowd has defended these same policies in every column for six long years. Now she looks out at the wreckage, reports on the concrete results, but doesn’t notice who is to blame.
A campaign sign for Barack Obama stands outside a polling location on November 6, 2012 in Fort Worth, Texas. (Photo: Tom Pennington/Getty Images)
Just to be sure we are on the same page (and so Dowd can’t wiggle out of this one), these policies are: big spending, big taxes, big regulations, big debt and big government. Those are the “Big Five” that murder the middle class all over the world. Add in free health care and income redistribution. They are all policies staunchly supported by Dowd, Obama, and leftists worldwide.
Let me give Dowd credit. In her July 4 column, she perfectly describes the unimaginable results of six years of relentless spending, taxing, regulating, adding to the debt, growing government, IRS attacks, income redistributing, and “free” health care by Obama. She describes the exact damage to our economy and psyche. I couldn’t have done it better myself.
The problem is, Maureen, you are the problem. You, Obama and your whole leftist cabal. It’s obvious you’re not completely blind – because you’ve correctly laid out the tragic results. You just conveniently forgot who was in charge when all this happened. Twice.
Yes, it has happened twice. And, it is not a coincidence. Two extreme radical leftists caused the same misery and malaise in America - twice. Everything Dowd describes happened first under President Jimmy Carter and now under Obama.
Ironically, Maureen, you nailed it. You hit the bullseye. You are describing what happens to America every time liberals, progressives or socialists (whatever you’re calling them nowadays) take charge. You forgot to mention that the first time (under Carter) Republican President Ronald Reagan came along and saved America from ruin.
In a photo from Monday, Dec. 2, 2013, an empty field in Brush Park, north of Detroit’s downtown is shown with an abandoned home. Detroit, which on Thursday, July 18, 2013, filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in American history, owes as much as $20 billion to banks, bondholders and pension funds. The city can get rid of its gargantuan debt, but a bankruptcy judge cant bring back residents or raise its dwindling revenue. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)
Your column also described exactly what happened to Detroit with Democrats in charge for over 50 straight years. But with no Reagan riding to the rescue, there is no hope for Detroit. It is a “lost city.” A third-world hellhole in the middle of America.
Your column also described what happened to New York City with liberals like Abe Beame and David Dinkins in charge – economic ruin and out-of-control lawlessness.
Then Mayor Rudy Guliani, a Republican, came along and saved New York from ruin.
You are describing what happened to all the European socialist states, and some in Latin America. Those people lost their swagger and hope for the future too. Those people lost their jobs. They lost their hope because of “fundamental change.” In Venezuela they even lost their toilet paper!
Don’t laugh. In Detroit thousands of residents just lost something even worse – their water.
Are you sensing a pattern? This is always what happens with leftists and socialists in charge.
This is an open plea to Dowd and her leftist friends at The New York Times: It is you, and those who think like you, who have turned our beautiful home into a dangerous, drug-infested, poverty-ridden slum filled with hopeless, helpless, government addicts. Before you complain about it, you might want to look in the mirror. Or watch a 2008 Obama speech where he promises all the very policies that have led to this disaster.
But ironically Dowd just did us all a big favor. “The Queen of Liberalism” just documented the destruction of America by liberal policies.
Dowd just proved in one column what I, and conservatives like me, have been warning about for 30 years: Liberals are insane and dangerous to our very survival.
Wayne Allyn Root is the national bestselling author of The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive and Prosper During Obamageddon. Wayne’s twitter: Wayne’s web site is:
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