Radio host launches campaign to publicize fact domestic terrorism already in U.S.
Confessed domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins
A confessed domestic terrorist sits in prison after using information obtained from the Southern Poverty Law Center to target workers at a Christian organization in Washington, a case that drew little attention from the Obama administration.
A “gay”-rights advocate, he attacked Christians identified by SPLC as members of a “hate” organization for their opposition to homosexual behavior.
Now, an alleged Muslim terrorist has described his brutal killing of a New Jersey teen “for being American” as a “just kill,” and a radio talk-show host says he’s not going to let it slide this time.
“It was, in fact, an act of jihad, perpetrated by a fellow American who sympathized more with those who want to annihilate us than with his own country and its people,” said radio host Todd Pettengill of “The Todd Show” on WPLJ in New York City.
Murdered teen, Brendan Tevlin
He discussed for eight minutes on air the death of 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin, recounting the declaration by the suspect, Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, that the June 25 attack was a “just kill.”
“Domestic terrorism, no matter what the president says, is already here,” he warns.
CBS News reported prosecutors allege Brown was on a “bloody crusade,” executing four innocent men to punish the U.S. government for its “foreign policies.”
Brown used “the same murder weapon, over the course of approximately two months, and all under the common and single scheme of exacting ‘vengeance’ against the United States government,” prosecutors in King County, Washington, said in court documents, CBS reported.
Ali Muhammad Brown
Both of the underreported cases center on politically correct issues. Corkins worked at a “gay” community center and targeted Christians, while Brown allegedly went after Americans because U.S. forces have fought in Muslim nations.
Pettengill said Americans should be outraged.
“What I’m suggesting should happen is that this should be talked about and written about, and the American people should know,” he said in a report.
“Why is Eric Holder not visiting the Tevlin family?” he asked.
He said the homicide victim was “killed for being an American.”
“Authorities should have let people know there was a terrorist on the loose,” he said. “Domestic terrorism already is here, and we need to talk about it.”
Listen to Pettengill’s comments:
WND has reported extensively on Corkins’ domestic terror case.
Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow for family empowerment at the Family Research Council, which was targeted by Corkins, said terror is terror, regardless of the motivation, and America needs to focus on national security and put political issues aside.
“We must not allow the important work of national security to become diluted by political concerns or motivations secondary to seeking the truth about those who act in violence toward American interests,” he said earlier, when President Obama was renewing alarm about domestic terror.
Corkins said he chose to attack FRC because the organization was listed as an “anti-gay” hate group by SPLC on its website.
FRC promotes traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs about the family and homosexuality, but SPLC claims the organization’s “real specialty is defaming gays and lesbians.”
Corkins, a former volunteer at an LGBT community center, pleaded guilty to domestic terrorism.
It was on Aug. 15, 2012, when the heavily armed Corkins walked into FRC headquarters and began shooting with the intent of killing “as many people as I could.” He managed to shoot and injure just one person, facilities manager Leo Johnson, who is credited with heroically stopping the attack.
In a speech at the Values Voter Summit 2013, Alveda King, a niece of Martin Luther King Jr., condemned the practice of labeling Christian organizations “hate” groups.
She said Corkins “came to FRC as a gunman, fueled by hate mongering from the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
“The shooter admitted he was directed to FRC’s location by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website. While SPLC claims to fight against hate, they have been saying hateful things about the Family Research Council and perhaps other groups who are represented here today,” King said.
“Today the shooter is behind bars as the result of being convicted for domestic terrorism. But the SPLC and many others, who couch hate and anger in false claims of civil rights activism, still roam free to confuse the masses with their deceptions,” said King.
Reuters, reporting on Obama’s latest domestic anti-terror effort, said he was setting up a new panel to focus on cases “that involve Americans who may be spurred to violence for political or prejudicial reasons.”
It was a continuation of efforts by the Obama administration to address domestic terror, which began in its first weeks, when the president spotlighted what he saw as a serious “right-wing” threat.
At that time, an unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warned of the possibility of violence by unnamed “right-wing extremists,” including opponents of abortion. The DHS report was followed days later by a report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center that warned law enforcement officials to watch out for individuals with “radical” ideologies based on Christianity.
Constitutional expert Herb Titus of William J. Olson, P.C. told WND that Americans should be wary by attempts by the Obama administration to crack down on “terrorism.”
“What do they mean by domestic terrorism?” he asked. “The problem, whether it’s called international or domestic terrorism, is the word ‘terrorism.’ There’s no legal or historic meaning.”
Titus said the definition will provide a foundation for government attempts at “electronic eavesdropping and all kinds of activities uncontrolled by any Constitution.”
The worry, then, is the “highly discretionary power that’s given to the government [and] the notion of preventing terrorism.”
“In order to prevent a particular activity that you consider to be terrorism, it requires you to go to extraordinary measures to keep track of people’s movements, thoughts and relationships and so forth,” he said at the time.
The reality, Titus said, is that civil government is set up to punish wrongdoers but not “prevent something from happening.”
“That’s beyond the capacity” of civil government, he said, emphasizing that only church and community work can change behavior.
The Reuters report said the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing would not be considered “domestic terrorism,” because it was thought to have been influenced by forces outside the U.S.
The issue of framing conservatives and Christians as a terror threat is a recurring theme in the Obama administration.
The chief of the U.S. Army at one point ordered that training for the military on “extremists” be halted until the program could be corrected and standardized to eliminate reported Christian-bashing.
In one such training course, the material labeled the pro-family American Family Association as a hate group.
According to Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes, Army Secretary John McHugh has given military leaders a memo with the orders.
“On several occasions over the past few months, media accounts have highlighted instances of Army instructors supplementing programs of instruction and including information or material that is inaccurate, objectionable and otherwise inconsistent with current Army policy,” the memo said.
A study at the West Point Military Academy asserted people who are part of the ideological right wing of American society constitute a danger to the nation. And the Department of Defense was caught teaching that those who oppose abortion are “low-level terrorists.”
DHS also was caught monitoring a blog posted by a Christian who was forced to flee Brazil because of the conflict between the nation’s pro-homosexual “hate crimes” agenda and his advocacy for traditional marriage.
A West Point study from the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center linked opposition to abortion and other “fundamental” positions to terrorism.
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