From Right To Bear Blog:
2nd Amendment / Gun Control / WTF
Alton Nolen, a converted Muslim, took his termination at work as a sign that he must commit an act of jihad against another worker.
2nd Amendment / Gun Control / WTF
The Liberal Media Keeps Ignoring the Most Significant Factor in Oklahoma Beheading
By now you’ve likely heard all about the violent beheading of a woman at her workplace in Oklahoma.
He walked into the building where he worked and immediately went to work sawing off the head of one of his co-workers. He then proceeded to attack another woman, stabbing her multiple times and leaving her with life-threatening injuries.
What you’ll notice as you get to listen to (or read) the mainstream media’s coverage of the incident, is very little attention is paid to a few outstanding facts. Nolen didn’t kill and maim with a gun, the trail of carnage he left behind was done with a knife.
And yet, Nolen was stopped by a gun.
And the media doesn’t want to talk about these facts.
They’re inconvenient.
You know very well banning guns from the workplace wouldn’t have stopped Nolen, and the media knows this too. It goes without saying gun bans have never deterred criminals. Nevertheless, Nolen’s act of barbarism was carried out with a single-edged knife and yet the liberal media isn’t calling for a ban on knives.
And of course, banning guns in the workplace certainly wouldn’t have stopped him or other attackers from committing more despicable acts, and yet workplace gun bans are quite common despite the level ofworkplace violence .
Fortunately for the rest of the employees guns were not banned from this particular workplace, but the media won’t say that.
In fact, Oklahoma has a law written into the state’s bylaws that allow for employees to bring their guns to work, and the media remains tight-lipped about this extraordinary fact.
The fact guns weren’t banned is exactly why Nolen was stopped dead in his tracks, but the media only admits this in a whisper.
The company’s CEO, also an off-duty reserve sheriff’s deputy, who confronted and shot Nolen twice, was there with his gun because he was allowed to have his gun at work, and the media hardly dares to mention this.
The truth is, had the CEO been in a different state where gun bans exist, two things might have transpired.
The first – No gun would have been brought on the premises and Nolen would have been free to extend his kill-streak even further.
The second – The CEO might have been arrested for taking his gun to work, violating state law in the process.
As you’ll likely agree, neither of these outcomes are ideal.
Of course, you’re tired of the media and their initiative to keep guns out of the hands of responsible gun owners.
And you should be.
But for the time being, they’re the ones who help to establish the course of events as we hear and see them, or at least they have a healthy amount of control.
And right now they’re in damage control mode, doing everything they can to make sure guns go the way of the dodo.
Fight back.
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